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phenomena are played out: the emergence of a shadow education market, the development of low-cost private schools, the increasingly visible presence of NGOs and local communities in schooling, growing investments in education from religious organizations and

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/maintainers of the institution, bringing developments to a halt. In the 2000s, these tensions and organisational struggles became so severe that the college broke away from its sustainer and became a private institution. Since the problems were not resolved, it

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OECD . ( 2023 ). OECD digital education outlook 2023: Towards an effective education ecosystem [White paper]. OECD Publishing . . “Digital Education Outlook 2023” is published by the Organization for Economic

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Raukawa, a Māori tribal community college. The fourth chapter, entitled Organization-wide Changes with Digital Technologies in Education , analyses the industrial-age systems “characterized by standardized, time-based, teacher-centred routines managed in

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volunteering also varies, but in the current paper, we use the ILO definition, which states that volunteering is “Unpaid non-compulsory work; that is, time individuals give without pay to activities performed either through an organization or directly for

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within which academic development takes place—though both of these are important considerations—but the diversity of subjects and disciplines that are being taught and researched within that context, as well as the organisational context of reward and

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, covered the institutional governance of Portuguese universities. It raised several concerns (for details see OECD, 2007 ) and recommended that the institutional organization and legal status of universities should be reformed ( Kauko & Diogo, 2011 ). The

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organizational skills Good knowledge of the subject 2) Performance stage – skills dimension Ability to motivate for learning (before, during and after learning process) Development of a learning environment in accordance with students’ needs, focusing on self

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language. The new environment may create different ambiguities for learners because of the high level of the linguistic stuff of the target language which the learners are not familiar with. Actually, the discourse is produced due to certain organizational

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as well as about the researched organizations, institutions, and persons. As a main goal, the author wants to show the changes the interpretations of the term “alternativity” (Buchwald 2022, 19) and tries to create a criteria system to analyze

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