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Az algériai nyersfoszfát és a szuperfoszfát hatásának vizsgálata
V. A talajtulajdonságok és a foszfortrágyák hatása a tavaszi árpa (Hordeum vulgare) Cd-, Cr-, Co-, Ni-, Sr-, Mn-, Al- és Mo-koncentrációjára tenyészedény-kísérletben
87 95 SILLANPÁÁ, M., 1982. Micronutrients and the Nutrient Status of Soils: A Global Study. FAO Soil Bulletin. No. 48. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
material – Method by sieving and sedimentation . International Organization for Standarization , Geneva, Switzerland . ISO/DIS 11277 : 1994 . Soil quality; determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil
material – Method by sieving and sedimentation. International Organization for Standarization, Geneva, Switzerland. ISO 13320: 1999. Particle size analysis – laser diffraction methods – part 1. International Organization for
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. Targulian , V.O. & Krasilnikov , P.V. 2007 . Soil system and pedogenic processes: Self-organization, time scales, and environmental significance . Catena . 71 . 373 – 381