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research was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic). These conversations were also helpful in terms of understanding different translation beliefs. In the end, we collected translation belief statements from 17 agencies or 39% of our domain participants
cemetery has since been unused, descendants living abroad were regular visitors in the years before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. Whether due to the complexity of the symbolism or the fact that some of the inscriptions on the gravestones are
Неологизмы эпохи пандемии: маркеры квалификации
Neologisms in the Era of Pandemics: Markers of Qualification
В данной статье исследуется интенсивный начальный этап формирования «новояза» в эпоху пандемии, когда носители языка формируют новые слова для обозначения реалий, новых как для них самих, так и для их опыта, приобретенного в необычных условиях. Формируемый этими говорящими «пандемический» дискурс в первую очередь включает в себя изменения лексико-семантической системы русского языка. Цель данной статьи – описать новые слова (семантические и лексические неологизмы) и определить маркеры новизны слов в сознании носителей языка, что представляет определенный интерес на активной стадии формирования «новояза» в эпоху пандемии.
Развитие пандемии обозначается понятием сценарий, которое в сочетании с относительными прилагательными, такими как итальянский, швейцарский, китайский и т. д., представляет специфику пандемии в различных странах. Заимствование ковид, быстро принятое русскоговорящими, становится производной базовой формой для многих лексических неологизмов, образованных путем сложения корней слов и аффиксации (ковид-центр, ковид-такси, антиковидный). Лексические неологизмы составляют большинство новых слов. В статье также рассмотрены отдельные авторские неологизмы, основанные на каламбуре и выполняющие выразительную функцию в языке (ковидимо-невидимо).
В ходе анализа специальной литературы и опроса носителей языка выявлено, что маркеры новизны имеют как логический («необычное значение у слова»), так и зрительно-перцептивный характер («необычное звучание слова», «латинская графика в написании», «кавычки в написании слова»). Как показывает опрос, в сознании носителей языка, не обладающих специальными знаниями, визуальные маркеры играют ведущую роль в определении слова как нового. Интуитивно воспринимаемый маркер «необычное значение» подкрепляется визуальными – написанием и звучанием слова.
В активный период функционирования неологизма важной его идентификационной особенностью для рядовых носителей русского языка является метаграфемика (латинский шрифт и кавычки) и звуковая форма неологизма. Через некоторое время часть внешних визуальных маркеров новизны слова теряется, например, кавычки в написании, латинский шрифт заменяется кириллицей, звуковая словоформа становится привычной. Это означает, что слово теряет новизну для носителей русского языка и становится нарицательным.
In the present paper, the intensive beginning stage of the formation of a “newspeak” is observed in the era of pandemics, when native speakers form new words for denoting realia that are new both for them and their experience acquired in extraordinary conditions. The “pandemic” discourse formed by these speakers primarily includes changes in the lexicosemantic system of the Russian language. The aim of this paper is to describe new words (both semantic and lexical neologisms) and define the markers of the novelty of words in the minds of native speakers, which is of certain interest in the active stage of the formation of a “newspeak” in the era of pandemics.
The development of pandemics is denoted by the notion of scenario, which in combination with relative adjectives like Italian, Swiss, Chinese, etc. present the specificity of pandemics in various countries. The borrowing Covid, quickly adopted by Russian speakers, becomes a derivative base for many lexical neologisms formed by the addition of word stems and affixation (Covid centre, Covid taxi, anti-Covid). Lexical neologisms form the majority of new words. In the paper, some individual author’s neologisms are also studied, which are based on a pun and serve an expressive function in the language (covidimo-nevidimo).
During the analysis of special literature and the survey of native speakers, it was revealed that the markers of novelty have both a logical (“an unusual meaning”) and a visual perceptive character (“an odd-sounding”, “Latin script in spelling”, or “words in inverted commas”). As the survey shows, in the minds of native speakers who do not have any special knowledge, visual markers play a leading role in defining words as new ones. The intuitively perceived marker “an unusual meaning” is supported by visual markers: the spelling and the sounding.
In the active period of the functioning of a neologism, its important feature of identification for ordinary speakers of Russian is the metagraphemics (the Latin script and the inverted commas) and the sounding form of a neologism. After some time, a part of external visual markers of the novelty of words is lost, for instance, inverted commas are not used, the Latin script is substituted by the Cyrillic script, and the sounding form of the word becomes usual. This means that the word loses its novelty for Russian native speakers and becomes a common word.
The paper interprets M. Krleža’s political and psychotic bestiary on the example of his plays, beginning with the first fragmental drama Saloma, which opens Krleža’s diary entries (dated 26 February 1914) from the First World War (this is his diary-memoir book Davni dani, subsequently published in 1956), and ends with the screenplay Put u raj (1970), by which Krleža completed his drama work. Focusing on that period (1914– 1970), the paper considers Krleža’s dominant zoo-metaphors in the framework of his negative anthropology. In Saloma, for instance, the zoo-lexeme dog is reflected as the dominant zoo-metaphor. Specifically, for Saloma, everything that happens on war-like Earth is determined by the dog’s existence as a subservient ingratiator toward all forms of power in the government. Instead of O. Wilde’s somewhat precious Secessionist ornamental language, Krleža’s Saloma begins with her aggressive nihilism and with Kyon-metaphors: “Nothing! You are as boring as wet dogs!” (Davni dani, diary entry dated 26 February 1914). This paper identifies Krleža’s dramatic political and psychotic bestiary on select examples (one play per dramatic period), taking into account the classification of Krleža’s dramatic work (18 plays) in five stylistic-generic cycles as part of Krleža’s negative anthropology.
In the screenplay Put u raj, a cricket as the dominant zoo-metaphor discloses himself by his singing to the drama binomials (the ego and alter ego: Bernardo and Orlando) in the urinal, while they are urinating together (the male urinating topos) following their narcotic bliss. By combining two issues, the subject of meditation on the death from the novel Cvrčak pod vodopadom and the theme of the eternal repetition of Human Stupidity from the Finale (see the book of political essays Deset krvavih godina, 1937), Krleža rounds out his personal view of the global anti-utopia and dystopia in this anti-war requiem play.
We conclude that Krleža’s political and psychotic bestiary which we have examined on select examples using the drama menagerie on a timeline from 1913/1914 to 1970 is consistent: within the framework of a permanent negative anthropology, Krleža’s preoccupation with documenting the all-powerful human stupidity of the man-ape who, when it learned to fly, bombs other apes, although in speciesist zoo-metaphors, we can say that Krleža does not find utopia in nature “as there is no justice even among flowers”, as the title of one of his ballads states. In short, by negating Feuerbach’s anthropological thesis Man with man – the unity of I and Thou – is God and by promoting the Ape to / as Man’s deputy, as Desmond Morris does with the cover of Naked Ape, Krleža shows that Man is at its core and being (the ontological structure of the human being) is not homo sapiens. Today’s pandemic picture of the world demonstrates all of this, or as Krleža would say in speciesist manner: man is still an ape, or as a non-speciesist statement: man is still man, the bloodiest animal.
О «ковидно-коронавирусных» процессах в русском языке 2020 года
An Overview of the Processes and Innovations in Russian Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020
В статье освещаются процессы в лексико-семантической системе русского языка, происходящие в период начала пандемии коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 в 2020 году. Цель статьи – дать общую характеристику и первую оценку явлений и процессов, протекающих в период активного пополнения словарного состава новыми узуальными и окказиональными единицами.
В русском языке в марте–июне 2020 г. происходят очень интенсивные изменения: язык попол-нился огромным количеством новых слов и понятий, ряд слов и словосочетаний получили новые значения, некоторые из них расширили сферу функционирования – перешли из специальной ме-дицинской, социальной сферы в общее употребление. Русский язык оказался включен в процесс интенсивной языковой игры и языкового творчества. Ключевыми словами эпохи стали слова ковид, коронавирус и корона, так как они оказались не только словами-символами этого исторического периода, но и продуктивными основами для огромного количества узуальных и окказиональных новообразований.
Материалами статьи стала новая лексика СМИ и интернета, собранная авторами статьи – сотруд-никами группы академических «Словарей новых слов» – и сверенная с данными крупного медий-ного банка «Интегрум», включающего материалы более 30 000 наименований изданий массмедиа, записи теле- и радиопрограмм.
В процессе исследования был рассмотрен ряд новых слов и сочетаний, вошедших в русский язык в период распространения коронавирусной инфекции, случаи формирования новой полисемии у слов ковид, ковидный, корона и прилагательных, от них образованных, кратко проанализированы сложные слова с основами ковид- и корона-, в том числе новации, образованные путем контамина-ции, рассмотрены очевидные случаи системной связи между новыми словами (синонимия, антони-мия, омонимия).
Помимо широкого обзора нового языкового материала, попыток его анализа и некоторых науч-ных обобщений, одним из важных выводов статьи является системный характер целого ряда лекси-ческих изменений, ставших результатом интенсивного и стихийного процесса в русском словообра-зовании и лексико-семантической системе.
The paper deals with the lexical-semantic processes the Russian language has experienced during the first half of the year 2020 throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the paper is to give a general characterization and evaluation of the phenomena and processes occurring at the period of time during which the language vocabulary gets rapidly enriched with both usual neologisms and occasionalisms.
From March to June 2020, the Russian language has been subject to intense changes: a vast number of new words and notions have entered the language, a certain number of lexical units and collocations have acquired new meanings, and some of them have widened the scope of functioning: e.g. a transition of units that formerly used to belong to medical terminology or to the sphere of social life into the words of common use can be observed. The Russian language has joined the process of continuous language game and linguistic creativity. COVID, coronavirus, and corona have become the keywords of the current era as they have not only turned out to be the symbols of a certain historical period but also have served as productive stems for the formation of an enormous number of regular and occasional lexical innovations.
The data presented in the paper are based on the lexical innovations published in the mass media and the Internet sources. The new lexical units were collected by the authors, who are members of the group of academic “Dictionaries of neologisms”, and collated with the large-scale mass media database “ Integrum ”, which comprises the data bank of over 30,000 mass media editions as well as records of television and radio programs.
In the course of research, the following matters are examined: a number of new words and collocations which entered the language during the COVID-19 spread, the cases of forming new polysemy that the words covid, corona, and the adjectives derived from them have developed, a brief analysis of compounds with the first-component stems covid- and corona- (including the innovations that are formed by means of blending), and the investigation of obvious cases that manifest regular lexical relations (synonymy, antonymy, and homonymy) among the above-mentioned neologisms.
In addition to the broad review of the neological language data, its analysis, and some scientific generalizations, one of the most important conclusions the paper arrives at is the regular character of a variety of lexical changes which have been caused by an intense and spontaneous process observed in the Russian word formation and lexical-semantic system.
September 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was held online, with talks and poster presentations delivered in real time. In the fall of 2020, Acta Linguistica Academica accepted our proposal for two special collections. The present
Bartók: The String Quartets •
An International Colloquium Organized by the Budapest Bartók Archives in Association with the Bartók World Competition at the Liszt Academy (Bartók Hall, Institute for Musicology, Research Centre for the Humanities October 29, 2021)
. The conference held on October 29, 2021 was dedicated to his memory. I have to confess that when planning this event I had something more large-scale in mind. That the pandemic, that thwarted many endeavours, made the organization of such an
participants and interpreters joining the meetings from locations from all around the world. The use of interpreting delivery platforms surged in the wake of lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, when onsite events either had to be cancelled or
fact, owing to the COVID pandemic, research activities and funding were extended in Hungary, thus the project will be finalized only in 2021. Besides other outputs, one of the milestones of this project was the publication of a collection of 10 articles