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balance there is then an efflux of fatty acids causing ectopic fat deposition. The predominant recipient of ectopic fat is the liver and heart. Hepatic ectopic fat induces local inflammation and insulin resistance. The liver becomes
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Ki adná a veséjét, és ki nem?
Az élő donoros vesetranszplantációt érintő hiedelmek, ismeretek és hozzáállás vizsgálata az egyéni értékrenddel összefüggésben
Who would and who would not become a living kidney donor?
Beliefs, knowledge and attitude about living kidney transplantation in relation to personal values
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Süsal, C., Roelen, D. L., Fischer, G., et al.: Algorithms for the determination of unacceptable HLA antigen mismatches in kidney transplant recipients. Tissue Antigens, 2013, 82 (2), 83
Élő donoros vesetranszplantációt követő terhességben kialakult terápiarezisztens hypertonia
Therapy-resistant hypertension in pregnancy after live donor kidney transplantation
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recipients in Iraq Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 17 408 14 . 5. L Le Mire
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donor criteria on primary organ dysfunction in liver recipients. Clin. Transplant., 2005, 19 , 532–536. Herkner H. Influence of cumulative number of marginal donor criteria on