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Öröklés- és környezetelvű érvelés az 1970-es évek fordulóján

Environmentalist and hereditarian arguments in the sixties/seventies

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Csaba Pléh

, N. ( 1978 ) Language development, human intelligence and social organization . In Feinberg , W. (ed.) The intelligence wars 120 – 143 University of Illinois Press , Campaign

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. Laumann , E. O. , Gagnon , J. H. , Michael , R. T. & Michaels , S. ( 1994 ). The social organization of sexuality: Sexual practicesin the United States. Chicago : University of Chicago Press

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] 1960 . Распад Золотой орды . Саранск : Мордовское Книжное Издательство . Schamiloglu , Uli 1986 . Tribal Politics and Social Organization in the Golden Horde . Columbia University : unpublished PhD dissertation . Seleznyov , Yurij Vasil

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A tudomány globalizációja

The Globalization of Science

Marek Kwiek

University Press. 45 Whitley R. (2000) The Intellectual and Social Organization of the Sciences. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

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understood only by analyzing the church practices, identification schemas, and language use habits that strongly influenced social organization in the past while also being subordinated to the prevailing ethnopolitical aspirations. Eszter Győrfy's book is

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Social Change. A Case Study from the Balkans. In: L. Nikolova (ed.): Early Symbolic Systems for Communication in Southeast Europe. BAR–IS 1139. Oxford, 9–19. Parkinson, W. A. 2006a The Social Organization of Early Copper Age

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prehistory. Sheffield Archaeological Monographs 15. Sheffield, 1–4. Nikolin E. 1986 Gyomaendrőd, Hegedűs tanya. RégFüz Ser. 1. No. 39, 10–11. Parkinson, W. A. 2006 The Social Organisation of Early Copper

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.] 2019 . Из Истории Сношений Москвы с Крымом При Цар’ Михаил Феодорович Посольство С. И. Тарбеева в Крым 1626–1628 гг . Москва : ГПИБ . Schamiloglu , Uli 1986 . Tribal Politics and Social Organization in the Golden Horde . ( Unpublished Ph

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Sacks, Harvey 1987. On the preferences for agreement and contiguity in sequences in conversation. In: Graham Button - John R. E. Lee (eds): Talk and social organisation, 54-69. Multilingual Matters, Clevedon. On

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. Concepts in Neurosciences 1 227 251 Key, C. A.and Aiello, L. C. (1999): The evolution of social organisation

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