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7. századi temetkezések Békés vármegyéből – Adatok a Tiszántúl avar kori lószerszámos temetkezéseihez
7th century graves from Békés County (SE-Hungary): Data for Avar-age burials with horse harness from the Trans-Tisza region
, A. , Kovacsóczy , B. , M. Lezsák , G. , Lőrinczy , G. , Szécsényi-Nagy , A. , és Vida , T. ( 2020 ). Genetic insights into the social organisation of the Avar period elite in the 7th century AD Carpathian Basin . Scientific Report , 10
, 511 – 604 . Krader, Lawrence 1963 The Social Organization of the Mongol-Turkic Nomads. The Hague
] 1960 . Распад Золотой орды . Саранск : Мордовское Книжное Издательство . Schamiloglu , Uli 1986 . Tribal Politics and Social Organization in the Golden Horde . Columbia University : unpublished PhD dissertation . Seleznyov , Yurij Vasil
Sacks, Harvey 1987. On the preferences for agreement and contiguity in sequences in conversation. In: Graham Button - John R. E. Lee (eds): Talk and social organisation, 54-69. Multilingual Matters, Clevedon. On
the Organization of the Mongol World Empire . AEMA Vol. 4 , pp. 283 – 297 . Schamiloglu , U. ( 1986 ) Tribal Politics and Social Organization in the Golden Horde
Across Cultures. Views of Nature and the Environment in Non-Western Cultures . Boston : Kluwer Academic Press . Service , Elman R. 1962 Primitive Social Organisation. An Evolutionary Perspective . New York : Random House . Service , Elman R
. Chomsky , Noam . 1972 b. Psychology and ideology . Cognition 1 . 11 – 46 . Chomsky , Noam . 1978 . Language development, human intelligence, and social
romer , B ernd – B ánffy , E szter – A lt , K urt W . 2015 Tracing the Genetic Origin of Europe’s First Farmers Reveals Insights into their Social Organization . Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282(1805), 20150339.
king” ( ruiri ) to the “King superior to superior kings/High King” ( ri ruirech / Ard Ri ) and the Irish social organization and hierachy [druids, kings and warrior noblemen or flaithi , free men who were mainly herdsmen and peasants ( bo airig , grad
„governments that legislate about their introduction in different areas, educators, the social organisations providing awareness and critical assessment in their specific fields and all of us” since we need to know “our rights and duties when interacting with