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not include nutrition education, thus teachers are left to organize the children's lunches according to their own experience and socialization, or according to the school's guidelines (where they exist), without a coherent concept. Meals at home have
This essay aims to explore the political and legal philosophical layers of J.R.R. Tolkien’s masterpiece. First, it demonstrates the ambivalent feature of power and authority appearing in The Lord of the Rings. The second part gives a reading of Tolkien’s philosophical anthropology. Next, it is shown how Tolkien’s concept of law can be placed in the framework of a Lockean political theory. Finally, the paper discusses the educational potential of this literary work in the process of moral and legal socialization of the “lawyers-to-be”.
The case of a rejected diploma work Ildikó várnagy, Eve’S Flight from Paradise
Art education in socialist Hungary in the Sixties from a feminist point of view 1
In the 1960s, students attending the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts – especially female students of sculpture — were socialised in a strange way. This ‘strangeness’ was generated by the latent tension between contradictory values, conflicting motivations and interests — and women were exposed to these dualities a great deal more than men. Being students of sculpture only amplified the effect on them, and overshadowed it with negative stereotypes. The case study sheds light on the latent motives of the rejection of a diploma work made by a female art student, Ildikó Várnagy in socialist Hungary. It examines the case, in the frame of art education and sculpture in the Sixties, as well as gender bias at the Art Academy in Hungary, and also outlines the effects of this incident on her later carrier as an artist.
An attempt was made to clarify the aspects of connections between folk dance, identity and emotions. It was hoped that this would help to bring us closer to an understanding of the ways in which folk dancers in an urban environment try to make use of aesthetic values of the peasant culture revealed by ethnographic studies. In the life of the communities analysed emotion is a very important identity-forming motivational factor. When choosing a group, and also when we try to maintain our membership of that group, the efforts located in the segment of hypothetical oppositions, individual thinking, creating a new level of socialisation and thinking about movements, the existence of the societies created and bound together through group thinking all have a key role in an urban environment as well.
The authors of this publication content analyzed downloadable, digitally manageable, archaic and folkloristic texts related to the psychic layers of eating. In the background of obesity, evolutional, cultural factors and factors of socialisation are identified that have an effect via non-apperceived, irrational and emotional functions, and make lasting weight-loss difficult. The preference of fat, salty and sweet dishes is an evolutional heritage that is unhealthy among the current living conditions. The matching of eating circumstances with calmness and love in early childhood is a social heritage. The celebration of life’s great events with excessive eating together with loved ones is a cultural heritage. Owing to such traditions, eating is not merely nutrient-intake, but a process full of significant psychic values. Food has not only nutritional but also emotional values which latter aspect determines eating today more than physiological signs. During slimming, the psychotherapeutic exploration, the apperception and correction of the emotional value of eating are important.
The main tenet of the paper concentrates on the value reductionism promoted by the narrow-minded economic extremism flourishing in education. For economic extremism, the enjoyment of pupils and students - as allegedly the chief consumer value in education - stands for a large set of other values, which are necessary for the would be adults as successful labour force, and healthy and socialised people. However, pupils and students cannot be regarded as only consumers at the schools, colleges and universities. At the end of the presentation, the author gives a list of values and their short definitions so as to encourage a mode of teaching which is really beneficial - although not always so easy and enjoyable - for pupils and students.
Since the incorporation of the Nigerian economy into the World Capitalist System, the indigenous social structure was fundamentally restructured. This restructuring was (and is still) affecting the family institution in its performance of the most important task of youth socialization leading to cases of what have been described as child abuse, urban violence, working children and, even, sexually deteriorating/ transmitted infections as a result of irresponsible sexual behavior among the youth. If the situation persists, what are the implications for the future of the individual youth and the family? How can the transition being experienced by the family be controlled to positively influence the future of the youth and, by implication, the society as a whole? This paper attempts to provide answers to these questions.
A társadalmi nemek kutatása, ezen belül a gender és az egészség kapcsolata a szaktudományok, megközelítésmódok, részterületek széles spektrumát foglalja magába. A genderkutatás központi kategóriái a nemi szerep, a nemi szerepszocializáció, valamint a nemi szerepek megvalósításával kapcsolatos szerepstressz. Jelen tanulmány ízelítőt kíván adni a nemek eltérő mortalitási, morbiditási és viselkedési jellegzetességeit tárgyaló újabb angol nyelvű szakirodalomból, európai, észak-amerikai és ázsiai szakfolyóiratoknak a témával kapcsolatos legfrissebb közleményei alapján.
A férfi emlőrák előfordulását, kockázati tényezőit, valamint a pszichológiai sajátosságok etiológiai szerepét övező információhiány mellett, az érintettek tájékozódását, gondozását és a betegséggel való megküzdésüket hamis hiedelmek is nehezítik. A szakirodalmi adatok áttekintését a nemi szerep szocializációjának rövid jellemzésével egészítettük ki, abban a meggyőződésben, hogy az interiorizált maszkulin sztereotípiák figyelembe vétele elengedhetetlen a betegek adekvát pszichés támogatásának tervezésében.
Technological innovations are inclining the world of business to restructure actual business processes at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. These circumstances create knowledge-intensive organizational, collective and personal learning environments in which ICT tools play a critical role. This paper investigates knowledge creation patterns inherent in the supply chain of companies that operate in a networked environment in the Székesfehérvár region of Hungary. ICT solutions applied in knowledge creation and collaboration with suppliers and customers in the supply chain were studied in this research. One of the main contributions of the paper is the study of knowledge creation patterns in three dimensions: the Socialization – Externalization – Combination – Internalization (SECI) framework, supply chain processes and ICT solutions, which is a unique approach compared with the frameworks from the relevant literature.