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67 635 645 . I A Apperly 2011 Mindreaders. The cognitive basis of ‘theory of mind

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emergence of autobiografical memory: A social cultural developmental theory . Psychological Rewiew , 111 . 29. Perner , J. ( 2000 ): Memory and theory of mind . In: Tulving , E. , Craik

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. 21. Perner , J. ( 2000a ): Memory and theory of mind . In: E. Tulving , F. I. M. Craik (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Memory . New York , Oxford University Press . 22

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268 2261 2265 Gallese, V and Goldman, A. (1998): Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind-reading. Trends in Cognitive Sciences , 2, 493

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Érzelemszabályozás és machiavellizmus kapcsolata az agyi aktiváció tükrében: fMRI-kísérlet

The relationship of emotion regulation and Machiavellianism in the light of neural activation: An fMRI experiment

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Anita Deák
Barbara Bodrogi
Gábor Perlaki
Gergely Orsi
, and
Tamás Bereczkei

. M cillwain , D. ( 2003 ). Bypassing empathy: A Machiavellian theory of mind and sneaky powe r. In B. R epacholi , & V. S laughter (Eds.), Individual Differences in Theory of Mind (39–66). Hove, E. Sussex : Psychology Press

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OHEN , S. , L ESLIE , A. M. , & F RITH , U. ( 1985 ). Does the autistic child have a “theory of mind” ? Cognition , 21 ( 1 ), 37 – 46 . B ARON -C OHEN , S. , T AGER -F

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. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , 42 , 241 – 252 . 3. Baron-Cohen , S. , Jolliffe , T. , Mortimore , C. , Robertson , M. ( 1997 ): Another advanced test of theory of

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Companion to Darwin Richards, R. J. (1987): Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior. University of Chicago Press, Chicago

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Moore-paradoxonos mondatok és a logikai inkonzisztencia kapcsolata kétnyelvű gyermekeknél

The development of understanding moore-paradox sentences and logical inconsistencies

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Krisztina Bartha

kutatásom elvégzéséhez. IRODALOM Austin , G ., Groppe , K ., & Elsner , B . ( 2014 ). The reciprocal relationship between executive function and theory of mind in middle childhood: a 1-year longitudinal perspective

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W. D. Spaulding S. M. Silverstein 2005 Poor premorbid social functioning and theory of mind deficit in schizophrenia: evidence of reduced context

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