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Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Federico Cavanna
Carla Pallavicini
Virginia Milano
Juan Cuiule
Rocco Di Tella
Pablo González
, and
Enzo Tagliazucchi

longest lockdowns was declared between March and November. Our first main objective was to determine differences in mental health indicators (anxiety, positive and negative affect, well-being, resilience) between individuals who reported past psychedelic

Open access

The impact of goal attainment and goal importance on satisfaction with life – a polynomial regression and response surface analysis

A célok fontosságának és megvalósulásának hatása az élettel való elégedettségre – Polynomiális regresszió analízis

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Ágnes Tóth
Barbara Wisse
, and
Klára Faragó

References Bahrami-Ehshan , Z. , & Cranney , J. ( 2015 ). Personal growth interpretation of goal attainment as a new construct relative to well-being . Procedia - Social

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Az önkéntes munkavégzés mentális és fizikai egészségmutatókkal való összefüggései az empirikus kutatások tükrében – áttekintő tanulmány

The link between voluntary work, mental and physical health outcomes in the light of empirical researches – a review study

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
László Dorner

strongly benefits the unhappy . Applied Economics Letters , 22 ( 11 ), 874 – 885 . 10.1080/13504851.2014.985364 Binder , M ., & Freytag , A . ( 2013 ). Volunteering, subjective well-being and public policy . Journal of Economic Psychology , 34

Open access

A szégyen mediációs szerepe a stigma és az életminőség kapcsolatában coeliakiában szenvedő betegek körében.

A 8 tételes Stigmatizáció Krónikus Betegségekben Kérdőív magyar adaptálása

Shame mediates the relationship between stigma and quality of life among patients with coeliac disease.

The Hungarian adaptation of the Stigma Scale for Chronic Illness-8
Orvosi Hetilap
Henrietta Szőcs
Zsolt Horváth
, and
Gabriella Vizin

Psychology, Sage, 2005; pp. 197–240. 3 Earnshaw VA, Smith LR, Chaudoir SR, et al. HIV stigma mechanisms and well-being among PLWH: a test of the HIV stigma framework. AIDS

Open access

Történeti tabló a pozitív pszichológiai jóllét és mentális egészség elméletekről és előzményeikről

Historical tableau of positive psychological well-being and mental health theories and their antecedents

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Virág Zábó
Attila Oláh
, and
András Vargha

való szubjektív elégedettség hedóniatan 3. Flow ( Csikszentmihalyi, 1988 ); Flow Állapot Kérdőív ( Magyaródi, Nagy, Soltész, Mózes és Oláh, 2013 ) flow hedóniatan humanisztikus pszichológia 4. Scales of Psychological Well-Being (PWB; Ryff, 1989

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Damian van der Neut
Margot Peeters
Meyran Boniel-Nissim
Helena Jeriček Klanšček
Leila Oja
, and
Regina van den Eijnden
Open access

In the equine practice, attempts have been made to examine the fetus in the second and third trimester of pregnancy but all of the available methods have limitations. Until now, transabdominal ultrasonography has been regarded as the most informative examination. This method allows us to measure fetal heart rate, fetal activity as well as the quality and quantity of the fetal fluids. A modified biophysical profile for horses was used by several researchers in the USA from the 1990s as a gold standard. However, it is not sensitive enough and, in the authors’ experience, professionals can face difficulties during its application (e.g. for measuring aortic diameter and fetal breathing movements). In cows, this method was first used for this purpose by a Canadian research group in 2007. They reported that transabdominal ultrasound was promising but showed low sensitivity in this species. The present studies show that birth weight cannot be predicted from fetal aortic diameter measurement in cows as suggested by other researchers. Transabdominal ultrasound needs special equipment (2–3.5 MHz convex transducer) and basic ultrasonographic knowledge; however, we suggest that in most cases it can be performed with the dam placed in a stock and without shaving the examination area. The method provides useful information within 30–40 minutes, enabling the examiner to determine whether or not the fetus is alive and to recognise placentitis or twins. This technique also allows measuring the combined thickness of the uteroplacental unit, and the authors’ ongoing study showed higher normal values in Lipizzaner mares compared to values in other breeds. In conclusion, with the help of advanced techniques, simple and low-cost methods should be developed for the evaluation of the pregnant dam and its fetus to assess fetal viability in the veterinary practice.

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Személyes célok és társas világ – a jóllét és önszabályozás társas ökológiája

Personal goals and the social world – the social ecology of well-being and self-regulation

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Tamás Martos
Viola Sallay

goals: Their religious context and potential consequences . Motivation and Emotion , 35 ( 1 ), 75 – 88 . . Martos , T. , & Kopp , M. S. ( 2012 ). Life goals and well-being: Does financial status matter

Open access

student population. Eur. J. Public Health, 1997, 7 (3), 243–247. 28 Bradburn, N. M.: The structure of Psychological Well-Being. Aldine Publishing, Chicago, 1969

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Nárcizmus és jóllét – a nárcisztikus működésmód költségei

Narcissism and well-being: the costs of narcissistic functioning

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Márton Engyel

, and the Dark Triad . Personality and Individual Differences , 66 , 204 – 207 . Aghababaei , N. & Błachnio , A. ( 2015 ). Well-being

Open access