Search Results
. (corrected) Crude and multivariable analyses of CSBD Persons without CSB (unweighted N = 4,276, weighted N = 4,198) Persons with CSB (unweighted N = 187, weighted N = 173) Persons with CSBD (unweighted N = 170, weighted N = 179) Percent of
an atheoretical term that is compatible with different etiological perspectives, such as Sexual Addiction (e.g. Carnes, 2010 ), or Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD, e.g. Kraus, 2018 ). In part due to the scarcity of empirical research on
Classification of Disorders (ICD-11) under the term Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder ( CSBD, World Health Organization, 2018 ). For a better understanding of both recreational and problematic porn use, its neurobiological underpinnings must be elucidated
activity, reverse salience may arise whereby the abstained behavior dominates thoughts and actions and becomes the most important ( Griffiths, 2005 ). Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) is defined as “a persistent pattern of failure to control
Classification of Diseases (11th ed.; ICD-11) included Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) as an impulse control disorder ( Kraus et al., 2018 ; World Health Organization [WHO], 2018 ). Individuals suffering from CSBD experience significant impairment
problematic pornography use may be related to a broader disorder known as Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder (CSBD) which is characterised by an extensive pornography use and masturbation, use of paid sexual services, and risky sexual behaviours and
Disorders due to addictive behaviors: Further issues, debates, and controversies •
Commentary to the debate: “Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11”
Weinstein (2022) both examined (in different ways), the extent to which excessive sexual behavior can be considered addictive, impulsive and/or compulsive. Sassover and Weinstein argued that the data supporting compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD) as
Health Organization officially included the new category of “compulsive sexual behavior disorder” (CSBD) as an impulse-control disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) ( Kraus et al., 2018 ). However, the dispute around its
prevalent manifestation of compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD), categorized as an impulse control disorder in the ICD-11 ( WHO, 2019 ), or as a subtype of hypersexual disorder ( Reid et al., 2012 ). Nonetheless, some scholars argue that it might be
Disorder (CSBD). Since 2018, CSBD is an official diagnosis in the ICD-11 ( World Health Organization, 2019 ). Individuals with CSBD report problems controlling their sexual urges and experiencing distress due to their sexual behavior. The following other