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sources – Dionysus of Halicarnassus or Plutarch – attribute the homo sacer to the divinity that he would have offended, the Latin text talks about the homo sacer without attribution or consecration to undetermined divinities. 31
There was, to my knowledge, at least one previous occasion when an individual had been expelled from an oracular sanctuary and forbidden from making a consultation. According to Plutarch (Plut. Mor . 560ef), Kalondas of Naxos (nicknamed “the crow”), who
Neuere Überlegungen zu Hypereides' Rede gegen Demosthenes im Spiegel der Textkritik •
Ein philologisches „Wiederaufnahmeverfahren“ über col. XXVIII sqq.
die fragliche Stelle bei Plutarch mit Lykurg. Lewis' zweiter Einwand bezüglich der Deutung des Ausdrucks παρ' ἡμῶν wurde weiter oben bereits zitiert. M. Faraguna ( Atene nell’ età di Alessandro: problemi politici, economici, finanziari [Atti della
subject of etymology. 13 See Groos (n. 4) 241: e.g. in Xenophon, Plutarch, and Plotinus. 14 Calame (n. 11) 56–59 (generally, the attention paid to Hellenism in the monograph is rather limited). 15 The terminology of the Love god in Latin literature was
καλῴδιον τοῦ ἀγάλματος περὶ τὸν τράχηλον ἐπέλεγεν ὡς ἀπάγχοιτο ἠ Ἄρτεμις. Plutarch Is. Osir . 356: τὰ παιδάρια μαντικὴν δύναμιν, Pliny NH 8. 185: regesque puerorum comitantur . See also Aelian. Hist. An . 11. 10: some spirit-inspired children used to
's Term as Flamen Dialis . Classical Association of Canada, 2009, Vancouver, BC. 3 One wonders if Suetonius and Plutarch may have exaggerated certain details to create a parallel between the divine father and the adopted son. Loose is the parallel to
, p. 94). There may be another connection to Egyptian priestcraft here, as Plutarch describes how kyphi was also steeped in wine ( Byl, 2012 ). Various candidates for Jordan amber have been suggested ( Touger, 1987 , 2.2, footnote 5