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Graham, S.: Old age was secret of modern humans’ success. Scientific American, 2004, 291 , 115–116. Graham S. Old age was

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aims to explore critical aspects of ADHD across all age groups, including symptomatology, functional impairment, and comorbid psychiatric disorders. The disorder is lifelong, with symptoms evolving throughout an individual's life. The extent of adult

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Banai
Ádám Bartók
, and
Ricardo Zoltán Renteria-Delgádó

Adloff, M., Arnaud, J. P., Schloegel, M., et al.: Colorectal cancer in patients under 40 years of age. Dis. Colon Rectum, 1986, 29 , 322–325. Schloegel M. Colorectal cancer in

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Orvosi Hetilap
Ervin Hruby
Júlia Hajdú
Éva Görbe
Petronella Hupuczi
, and
Zoltán Papp

ikerterhességek anyai és magzati kórjóslata 122 eset alapján. Orv. Hetil., 2007, 148 (submitted). Gilbert, W. M., Nesbitt, T. S., Danielsen, B.: Childbearing beyond age 40: Pregnancy outcome in 24032 cases

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Orvosi Hetilap
Réka Sólyom
Zsófia Lendvai
Krisztina Pásti
Lilla Szeifert
, and
J. Attila Szabó

Touchette, E., Petit, D., Tremblay, R. E., et al.: Associations between sleep duration patterns and overweight/obesity at age 6. Sleep, 2008, 31 , 1507–1514. Tremblay R. E. Associations

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the point of view of the patient. Internal factors include species, breed, sex, age, stress, disease, physical activity, pregnancy and stage of lactation, while external factors include treatment (e.g., administration of medication), environmental

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Orvosi Hetilap
Krisztina Andrea Szigeti
Orsolya Galamb
Alexandra Kalmár
Barbara Kinga Barták
Zsófia Brigitta Nagy
Eszter Márkus
Péter Igaz
Zsolt Tulassay
, and
Béla Molnár

; 1775: 138–162. 9 Pal S, Tyler JK. Epigenetics and aging. Sci Adv. 2016; 2: e1600584. 10 Clouaire T, Stancheva I. Methyl-CpG binding proteins: specialized

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H. Petrovitch 2001 Current evidence for neuroprotective effects of nicotine and caffeine against Parkinson's disease Drugs Aging 18 797

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Karolína Sedláčková
Jiřina Száková
Martina Načeradská
Lukáš Praus
, and
Pavel Tlustoš

stress with increasing age. For instance, Pizent et al. (2010) assessed serum Cu, Se, and Zn in elderly humans with metabolic syndrome, which is associated with the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. They found no clear evidence of a relationship

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associated with fear of falling in community-dwelling older people? Age Ageing . 2014 ; 43 ( 1 ): 76 – 84 . 10.1093/ageing/aft154 3. Population Division . World Population Prospects 2019, Online Edition

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