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; experiences of haunting, ghosts, and apparitions; encounters with various entities conceptualized in folklore and mythology traditions as dwarfs, elves, “little people,” demons, etc.; experiences of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) encounters; the

Open access

déesse, ailleurs son apparition fait sur la foule la même impression que celle d’Aphrodite, des marins la prennent pour celle-ci… Le motif de la statue est important et Chairés au temple d’Aphrodite voit une statue de la déesse à côté de celle de son

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au sujet des Hongrois après la conquête du pays par les Ottomans et en particulier depuis l’apparition du « Tableau des Peuples » ( Völkertafel ). 1 Le fait que le peuple hongrois ait adopté le christianisme, qu’il ait établi une Église comparable à

Open access

DNS. However computational cost associated to LES is still very high [ 25–27 ]. The RANS based approach leads to the apparition of a nonlinear Reynolds stress term, which requires extra steps in the modeling in order to close the mean flow equations

Open access

fine della repubblica). Torino 1955, 198–213 ; ARCELLASCHI, A. : Ennius et l’apparition d’un langage philosophique. In La langue latine, langue de la philosophie. Actes du colloque de Rome (17–19 mai 1990). Rome 1992, 59–73, sp. 61–68 ; FLORES, E

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environment of a subset of coronal-final bases (ending in [n] definition, [z] transposition, [r] apparition and [d] addition ), and -ion after -ate . It is evident that the form of the latter is an allomorph rather than due to the deletion of [t

Free access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Robert Beckstead
Bryce Blankenagel
Cody Noconi
, and
Michael Winkelman

Salem witch trials of 1692 ( Caporael, 1976 ) is based on the signs of convulsive ergotism including seeing apparitions, feeling pinpricks, pinches, burning sensations, and by symptoms of urinary obstruction. However, those afflicted had none of the

Open access