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significance of “cultural memory of the present” 21 can be placed in the context of the “Skopje 2014” project, with its duration, that changes the daily environment of the citizens, which means that what the citizens saw one day could be changed the very next
Újabb bográcslelet Erdőszentgyörgyről (Sângeorgiu de Pădure, Ro)
A newly discovered bronze cauldron from Sângeorgiu de Pădure
Siedlung von Teleac . Analele Banatului (Timişoara) S.N. 18 , 65 – 94 . Connerton , Paul 2006 Cultural Memory . In
. 1 THE ROLE OF MUNICIPAL MUSICAL ASSOCIATIONS IN DEVELOPING THE BEETHOVEN TRADITION Building the cultural memory of the town was strengthened by sectionalism, to which artists’ associations contributed to a large extent. Their participation in
catalogue of objects of cultural memory. On the contrary, myth, as Voegelin applies it, unmasks philosophies of history as illusion once they claim history to be fully accessible. Such a symbolic relationship between past and present does not imply a higher
: Temporality and the Crossing of Borders in Europe . Manchester : Manchester University Press . Erll , Astrid − Nünning , Ansgar (eds.) 2010 A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies . Berlin in New York
1998 . Assmann 2011 J. Assmann : Cultural Memory and Early Civilization. Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imagination . Cambridge 2011 . Attila 2007 B. Anke – H. Externbrink (Hrsg.): Attila und die Hunnen . Begleitbuch zur