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Crystallisation behaviour of palm oil nanoemulsions carrying vitamin E

DSC and synchrotron X-ray scattering studies

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Rizwan Shukat
Claudie Bourgaux
, and
Perla Relkin

Introduction α-tocopherol, the main component of vitamin E has antioxidant activity. It stimulates T cells and increases the immune defence system. Recommended daily intake of α-tocopherol is 22.7 mg day −1 . Its deficiency

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addition, considering the Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs). ADI estimates the quantity of a chemical in food or drinking water consumed daily without causing significant harm, given in milligrams per kilogram of body weight [ 17 ]. The majority of synthetic

Open access

[ 24 ]. The pre-harvest interval (PHI) was estimated using Equation (1) [ 12 ]. The Risk assessment via dietary intake (Risk Quotient, RQ) of the tested fungicides was evaluated by comparing the calculated national estimated daily intake (NESTI) with

Open access
Acta Chromatographica
Pooja Sharma
Sushil Ahlawat
Pooja Agroiya
Reena Chauhan
Nisha Kumari
Surender Singh Yadav
, and
Gajender Singh

risk quotient factor was also computed alongside the half-life and PHI. The risk quotient (RQ) was computed using equation (2) as given: (2) RQ = Estimated   dailyintake   ( EDI )   Acceptable   dailyintake   ( ADI )   X   Body   weight   (3

Open access

harmful effects of BPA urged governmental and consumer health agencies to investigate the presence of BPA in food and set related regulations (BPA No-Observable-Adverse-Effect Level [NOAEL], 1 mg/kg bw/day, total daily intake [TDI] of 50 μg/kg/day) [ 2

Open access

– 5 ]. The antioxidant activity of pomegranate is three times stronger than many other dietary sources of polyphenols, such as green tea and Emblica officinalis [ 6 ]. The daily intake of pomegranate reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, cancer

Open access

total protein breakdown 48–50 g 6. Total bound L-glutamic acid 1.4–2.0 g 7. Average daily intake of glutamic acid 10–20 g 2.5 Pharmacology 2.5.1 Into bloodstream Only about 12% of glutamate enters the bloodstream after being digested in the digestive

Open access

. Mass Spectrom. 2000 , 14 ( 7 ), 572 – 577 . 31. Valenzuela , A. I. ; Picó , Y. ; Font , G. Determination of five pesticide residues in oranges by matrix solid-phase dispersion and liquid chromatography to estimate daily intake of consumers

Open access