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terminologies have been used for describing exercise addiction, including exercise dependence (ED), compulsive exercise, and exercise abuse ( Szabo, Griffiths, Marcos, Mervó, & Demetrovics, 2015 ). However, although the terms exercise addiction and ED are often
2004 The exercise addiction inventory: A new brief screening tool Addiction Research and Theory 12 489 499 . The British
Commentary on: Addiction in extreme sports: An exploration of withdrawal states in rock climbers
Nature Fix: Addiction to Outdoor Activities
addiction in team sport and individual sport: Prevalences and validation of the exercise addiction inventory . Addiction Research & Theory, 22 ( 5 ), 431 – 437 . doi: 10
). Exercise addiction . Farmington Hills, MI, USA : Lucent Books . Meulemans , S. , Pribis , P. , Grajales , T. & Krivak , G. ( 2014 ). Gender differences in exercise dependence
Hungarian adolescents. Addict. Behav. , 2004, 29 (6), 1095–1107. 29 Terry, A., Szabó, A., Griffiths, M.: The exercise addiction inventory: A new
was limited by the use of a self-developed exercise addiction survey. In terms of the increased occurrence of pathological buying in clients with EXD compared to those without EXD (63% vs. 38%), Lejoyeux et al. (2008, p. 357) assumed that
R. W. Foltin M. J. Devlin B. T. Walsh 2004 Exercise “addiction” in anorexia nervosa: model
. & Demetrovics , Z. ( 2014 ). Exercise addiction: The emergence of a new disorder . Australian Epidemiologist , 21 , 36 – 40 Brown , R. I. F. ( 1993 ). Some contributions of
Ten myths and twenty years: What we know and what we still do not know about work addiction
Commentary on: Ten myths about work addiction (Griffiths et al., 2018)
, Internet addiction, exercise addiction, and WA as well. The emphasized special characteristics of WA (engage in the behavior for 8 hr a day; benefits, rewards, and respects) are definitely important and help the risk population to deny and hide their
Disorders due to addictive behaviors: Further issues, debates, and controversies •
Commentary to the debate: “Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11”
such as work addiction and exercise addiction, both of which have been studied for over 50 years ( Baekeland, 1970 ; Little, 1969 ; Oates, 1968 , 1971 ). Like addictions to pornography, social networking, and buying-shopping, there is a lack of