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Future US Foreign Policy . Singapore : World Scientific Publishers . Mundell , R. ( 1961 ): A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas . American Economic Review, 51 ( 4 ): 657

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. ( 2004 ): Middle East Democracy . Foreign Policy , 145 22 – 29 . Pedroni , P. ( 1999 ): Critical Values for Co-Integration Tests in Heterogeneous Panels with Multiple

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Foreign Policy Consequences of China’s Economic Rise: A Study of China’s Commercial Relations with Africa and Latin America, 1992–2006 . Journal of Politics , 75 ( 2 ): 357 – 371

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): Projections of Power: Framing News, Public Opinion, and US Foreign Policy . Chicago, IL : The University of Chicago Press . European Commission ( 2008 ): EMU @ 10: Successes and Challenges after Ten Years of Economic

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Ottaway, M. (2002): Nation-building. Foreign Policy Sep/Oct 2002: 16–22. Sereda, V. (2002): Regional Historical Identities in Ukraine: Case Study of Lviv and Donetsk Available: http

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Oktatás és globalizálódás

Education and Globalization

Gábor Halász

. Globalisation, Societies and Education, Vol. 20. No. 3. pp. 401–413. 21 Maull, H. (2017) Autism in Foreign Policy. Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP). Zurich, Digital Library. 22 Nyíri P. (2003

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). The political goal concerns cross-border reputation and foreign policy matters, while the economic objective aims at financial gain ( Zha, 2003 ). Academic rationale improves research and curriculum, whereas socio-cultural type promotes national

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. Mancall , Mark ( 1963 ): The Persistence of Tradition in Chinese Foreign Policy . The Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science No. 349, pp. 14 – 26

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-Notes . Foreign Policy Research Institute, August, postcommunisttransition.html Bergasse , E. – Paczynski , W. – Dabrowski , M. – De Wulf

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Paper , No. 2003/49. McKinley , R. D. – Little , R. ( 1977 ): A Foreign Policy Model of U.S. Bilateral Aid Allocation . World Politics , 30 ( 1 ): 58 – 86

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