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Introduction A recurrent theme in contemporary research on the content and function of vocational education and training (VET) is the notion of an ongoing change of skill requirements in the labour market and a

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education, economy, technology and the labor market were rated by 2,500 experts across the European Member and accession states according to their likelihood and their importance for the future of VET. Some participatory methods were also included, such as

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individuals become involved choosing their careers, familiarizing themselves with the labor market, and preparing to adjust to the workplace. It also highlights the role of part-time student employment in career socialization and in the transition from

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backgrounds denounce the labour market advantages of a higher education qualification and thereby help to cement their own social and economic disadvantages ( Preiseldörfer, 2008 ). Socio-economic background seems to be a very important influencing factor

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communication outside the classroom. The course during which the participants were being measured is Basics of Business English , which is a 5-lesson-per week course lasting for one semester. “Nowadays the requirements of the labour market are not

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the labor market. Studies in the host countries are also almost identical: this ethnic group is still distinct in the given country's cultural and social system. The spoken languages are loosely related to that of the host country; its self

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can contribute to the development of their human potential and increase their desirability on the labour market. As we discussed the immigrants volunteering above, there are some similarities between this type of volunteering and international students

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The paper analyses the experiences of case studies with 120 families that belong to those who were hit hardest by the economic and social transition. The steadily disadvantageous situation of these families can be traced back to the labor market processes. Despite decreasing unemployment figures and several labor market programs there are still large groups - young people, women with small children, elderly middle-aged persons, the Roma - who can hardly reintegrate into permanent employment. For these people no good choices exist between low wages of available and often uncertain, formal and official jobs and between the irregular incomes from casual, precarious work supplemented with social allowances and benefits. The mobilization of all family resources, including often the work of children, may help to overcome daily problems of subsistence, however their family system is often in danger. Market instability, the loss of continuous income, health problems, tensions and emotional crisis situation often jeopardize the daily conduct of life, housing conditions and the future of children. In the lack of other subsistence strategies and family models this instability is going to be reproduced by the younger generations.

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connected to their legal status, as they come from an EU country, they “are affected by exploitation or even trafficking in the labour market. […] They are very poorly paid, work in extremely

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.e. helping individuals to integrate into the labor market and society and thus contributing to the reduction of social inequalities; education policy aims , i.e. complementing compulsory school education and opening up the possibility of pursuing learning

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