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Zsuzsanna Mihály
Artúr Hüttl
Eszter Tamáska
Péter Osztrogonácz
Zoltán Szeberin
, and
Csaba Csobay-Novák

well. Declarations Authors' contribution: Reviewed the final version of the manuscript and agreed to submit it to IMAGING for publication: C.N.C., Z. S., A.H., E.T., P.O., Z.M. Conceptualization: C.N.C, Z.S.; visualization A.H, C.N.C, roles

Open access

, ET. Software: YH. Supervision: YH. Validation: YH, ET. Visualization: YH, ET. Original draft: YH, ET. Writing - review & editing: YH, ET. All authors reviewed the final version of the manuscript and agreed to submit it to IMAGING for publication

Open access
Rama Mohan Pasupuleti
Sarvade Pedda Venkata Subba Rao
Prema Kothandan
Samarthi Swapna Rani
Sathees Babu Shanmuganathan
, and
Vijayaprabhu Arumugam

effective for the early identification of a variety of brain disorders and attempts to assist researchers in determining the key characteristics of different forms of brain tumors. The manuscript discusses the most pertinent methodologies, methods, and

Open access
Vincenzo Cirimele
Giulia D'Amone
Carlo Mallio
Bruno Beomonte Zobel
, and
Eliodoro Faiella

Zobel: reviewing the work critically for important intellectual content. Dr. Eliodoro Faiella: reviewing the work critically for important intellectual content. All authors reviewed the final version of the manuscript and agreed to submit it to IMAGING

Open access
Jens von Berg
Kenneth F. M. Hergaarden
Max Englmaier
Daniela Pfeiffer
Nataly Wieberneit
Sven Krönke-Hille
Tim Harder
André Gooßen
Daniel Bystrov
Matthias Brueck
Stewart Young
, and
Hildo J. Lamb

.W., S. K.-H., T.H., S.Y., H.L. contributed to data collection, J.v.B., K.H., N.W., S.K.-H., T.H., A.G., D.B., M.B., S.Y., H.L. contributed to data analysis, while all authors contributed to manuscript writing. All authors reviewed the final version of

Open access
Matthew Moore
Mohammed Moharram
Andre Poon
Rexson Tse
Hamish M. Aitken-Buck
Regis S. Lamberts
, and
Sean Coffey

protocol, performed the measurements and analysis, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Mohammed Moharram and An Andre Poon contributed to protocol design and performed the measurements. Hamish M. Aitken-Buck, Rexson Tse, Sean Coffey and Regis R

Open access

want to work on this subject. Authors’ contribution Mehmet Serindere developed the protocol, performed the measurements and analysis, and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Gokhan Polat contributed to protocol design. All authors contributed to

Open access
Norbert Pásztor
Dániel Veréb
István Előd Király
Zsigmond Tamás Kincses
András Palkó
Gábor Németh
Zoltán Bajory
, and
Zsuzsanna Fejes

; manuscript preparation: ZSF,NP; manuscript editing: ZB, GN. Funding sources No financial support was received for this study. Conflict of interest The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose. Ethical statement All procedures performed in studies

Open access

.Jaganathan, contributed to the background research and assisted with the mathematical derivations. The author C.Sundar Technically participated, contributed a factual evaluation, and assisted with manuscript editing. The final manuscript was read and approved by all

Open access
Sachini Udara Wickramasinghe
Thushara Indika Weerakoon
Pradeep Jayantha Gamage
Muditha S. Bandara
, and
Aruna Pallewatte

All authors reviewed the final version of the manuscript and agreed to submit it to IMAGING for publication. No financial support was received for this study

Open access