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societal factors, including policies, individuals, and organizations (Layne and Lee 2001 ; Khan et al. 2011 ). Recently, Korea's National Information Society Agency in Korea suggested a communication-oriented e-government system as a new paradigm to

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Publication and citation indicators of groups are thought to enhance the quality and legitimacy of science policy decisions. While these indicators might be of value from a policy pont of view, the relation between these cumulative data and the local circumstances that influence the development of scientific knowledge has not been explored extensively. In this paper it is argued that publication and citation patterns related to research units are influenced by local circumstances. Toxicology is chosen as an example because it is directed at solving social problems and relates to local practices. In this paper, output indicatiors of Dutch toxicological research units are related to qualitative information on the strategies of these units. it can be shown that the variation in output and citation indicators can be explained in terms of local variations in context. Such variations in local organizational settings should caution against the application of scientometric studies to measure impact as an indicator of scientific quality.

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Perceptual organization (PO) impairments have been repeatedly demonstrated in schizophrenia. The extent to which these impairments can be reduced or eliminated, however, has received less attention, and evidence on this issue has not been previously reviewed. The literature suggests that whether normal experience-dependent change in perceptual organization occurs in schizophrenia depends on factors such as: stimulus grouping strength, extent of practice, type of cues upon which top-down feedback can be generated, and patient characteristics (trait and state). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to review and synthesize the available evidence on plasticity and other forms of change in PO in schizophrenia, and to relate it to current data and theories on plasticity, including perceptual learning (PL) in healthy people. This can clarify the computational and neural mechanisms involved in experience-dependent and state-related aspects of PO in schizophrenia, and also contribute to a greater understanding of the mechanisms involved in normal PL. A major finding that emerges from a review of the data is that the conditions under which PL of PO does not occur in schizophrenia closely parallel the conditions under which PO is reduced in a single test administration. That is, when stimulus-driven cues to grouping are strong, PL of PO occurs in patients; in contrast, when top-down feedback is required to organize novel or weakly grouped stimuli, PL of PO tends not to occur in patients. Moreover, even with strongly grouping stimuli, change tends to occur only via repetition; when processing of more abstract cues is required to generate top-down feedback, change tends not to occur. In addition, within-session PL in people with schizophrenia appears to be more impaired than learning over multiple days, supporting the separability of fast and slow plasticity mechanisms; however, more research with a larger class of stimuli is needed on this issue.

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This paper will discuss the problems of measurement in the theory of organization. The development of methods of measuring is shown to be a condition for progress to this theory. The basic components of measurement are discussed. main shortcomings involved in the concepts of measurement of features of organization are presented. Their sources, and the consequences of their existence for solving organization problems, are demonstrated. Suggestion for elaborations regarding the elimination of drawbacks will be presented.

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Orvosi Hetilap
Edit Paulik
Borbála Belec
Regina Molnár
Anna Müller
Éva Belicza
Lajos Kullmann
, and
László Nagymajtényi

. 2005 14 561 564 Development of the World Health Organization WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment. The WHOQOL Group

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1 Introduction For an innovative organization, it is important to have a cultural background that supports development and change. Multiple research supports the notion that to be successful in innovation, one has to establish an appropriate

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Municipal solid waste management is a basic service that, in Finland, consists of collection, transportation and treatment systems provided by municipalities, waste management companies and producer responsibility organizations. The amount of municipal solid waste in Finland has risen quite steadily for many decades. In 2012, the recovery rate of municipal solid waste as material or energy was 67%. The Finnish Waste Act has been updated in 2012, with the key goal to further reduce waste amounts and progress recycling. The paper describes the best practices in strategic waste management planning and describes the organization of municipal solid waste in city of Oulu, Finland.

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The paper addresses the potential of Internet mailing lists to enhance academic research with respect to Gibbons' distinction between Mode I and Mode II knowledge production (Gibbons et al., 1994). We examine threaded email messages in a selection of Self-Organization and Science & Technology Studies oriented Internet mailing lists to illustrate the internal dynamics involved in the electronic production of knowledge. Of particular interest is the EuroCon-Knowflow mailing list which houses the electronic communication of the Self-Organization of the European Information Society (SOEIS) research group.

The research focuses upon the discussion threads of mailing lists. The use of threaded messages as our hermeneutic units of analysis provides the basis for a reflection upon three key theoretical positions: Medium Theory, Actor-Network Theory, and Self-Organization Theory. With respect to the latter, we measure for self-organized criticality by comparing the frequency and size of threaded messages. Using this and other methods as operationalized modes of theorizing we reveal network dynamics particular to the Internet mailing list.

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Tanulmányomban a szervezeti korrupció működését mutatom be négy eset felhasználásával. A megközelítés alapja a „felelőtlen szervezetek” korábban már publikált fogalma. Ezek olyan szervezetek, amelyek nem érzékelik azt, ha másoknak érdeksérelmet okoznak, nincs visszacsatolás. Korábbi tanulmányomban a bíróságok működési jellemzőit mutattam be mint a felelőtlen szervezet típusának egyik példáját. Most a bíróságok mellett az adóhatóság működésével találkozunk. A téma azonban most a szervezeti korrupció. A felelőtlen szervezetek ugyanis alkalmasak arra, hogy elleplezzék a korrupciót, megakadályozzák a leleplezést, hiszen működésüket az alacsony kockázat jellemzi. Különösen igaz ez, ha olyan korrupciós együttműködés (korrupciós mechanizmus) jelenik meg a felelőtlen szervezetek között, amely szinte teljesen kizárja a lebukás esélyét. Az esetek elemzése egyben arra is rávilágít, hogy bizonyos korrupciós hálózatok ellen miért nehéz, szinte reménytelen a fellépés. A felszíni, látható réteg mögött egy rejtett réteg is található. Ha megvizsgálja valaki, akkor is csak a technicizálásnak nevezett jelenséget találja: sajátos értelmezések, furcsa műszaki, jogi feltételek, szokatlan gazdasági követelmények, valamint egy feltételezhető érdek-összefonódás (amelynek rejtelmei, megegyezései azonban nem látszanak). A második két esettanulmányban a szereplők által kialakított együttműködési-hatalmi tér új változatát mutatom be. A szereplők valójában nem rejtett együttműködést (együttműködési teret) alakítanak ki, hanem egy fiktív teret konstruálnak, fiktív jogi és jogértelmezési hatalmi teret hoznak létre az áldozat kifosztására. A hatalmi térben a korrupciós mechanizmus kialakítói osztoznak a megszerzett hasznon. Az utóbbi két eset közül az első egy adóhatósági eljáráshoz, a második egy gyógyszerkipróbáláshoz kapcsolódik.

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This review discusses studies of informal communication of scientific and technical information published in the American management literature between 1976 and 1982. While investigated formerly by information scientists, the subject has been mentioned only infrequently in the literature and abstracts of information science in recent years. Management scientists view the informal information transfer as a special type of organizational communication. Among the papers reviewed, special attention is accorded to the publications byTushman who has extended and developedAllen's approach. The implications of the insights gained for the information worker and information scientist are discussed in the conclusions.

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