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Introduction The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has had an unprecedented impact on the healthcare system worldwide [ 1 ]. Prevention of hospital-acquired infections is a critical and necessary task
Introduction Virtual exchange practices have been developed at universities for several years; however, the academic importance of VE has grown during the COVID-19 pandemic ( Garcés & O’Dowd, 2020 ; Oswal, Palmer, & Koris, 2021 ). As a result of
Introduction (Pandemic situation research in the Hungarian communities of East Central Europe) The COVID-19 pandemic affected nearly all aspects of social, economic, and cultural life. Similarly to the total institutions described by the Canadian
Introduction Rapid and accurate diagnosis was critical to face COVID-19 emergency leading to an unprecedented adaptation of clinical microbiology services to the spread of the pandemic [ 1 ]. Since Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (NAAT), based
Élethosszan át tartó oltási stratégia mint eszköz a pandémiák elleni védekezésben Magyarországon
Lifelong vaccination strategy as a tool against pandemics in Hungary
(WHO). The best time to prevent the next pandemic is now: countries join voices for better emergency preparedness. 1 October 2020. Available from:
mental health indicators in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, an adverse event of worldwide scope. COVID-19 is a contagious respiratory and vascular disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The rapid spread of COVID-19
1 Introduction According to IHRSA (2020) , before the pandemic the global fitness industry was flourishing, with record financial performance. COVID-19 brought the booming fitness sector to a sudden halt, from which it may not fully recover until
Mi van a maszk mögött? A maszkviselés szociális reprezentációja
What is behind the mask? Social representation of mask wearing
. de Rosa Silvana , A ., & Mannarini , T . ( 2020 ). The “invisible other”: Social representations of COVID-19 pandemic in media and institutional discourse . Papers on
United Nations Commission on Human Rights on “Access to Medication in the Context of Pandemics such as HIV/AIDS”. The resolution recognises access to medicines in the context of pandemics as an essential human right. Furthermore, the case has contributed
Az epidemiológiai surveillance és járványmatematikai előrejelzések szerepe a pandémiás hullámok megelőzésében, mérséklésében – hol tartunk most, és hová kellene eljutni
The role of epidemiological surveillance and mathematical forecasting in preventing and mitigating pandemic waves – what has been accomplished and what should be achieved
for the preparation and implementation of the corporate COVID-19 pandemic plan]. ITM Gazdaságstratégiáért és Szabályozásért Felelős Államtitkárság, Budapest, pp. 1