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INTRODUCTION From late 2019 onwards, the world has been engulfed in a global health crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the simultaneous lockdown of approximately one half of the world’s population in early April 2020 (Sandford 2020). This

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of a global Corona virus pandemic, many of Kapana's restaurants and cafes were in a situation of a prolonged lockdown in 2020–2021, and owners are struggling to keep their businesses.

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and the creation of the database have been delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology Our pilot study assessed the reading comprehension skills of a group each of Hungarian primary school pupils in Hungary and in Slovakia. The sample was

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instructive. Particularly during the pandemic, Hungarian ethnographic research must take advantage of opportunities to access relevant ethnographic data without being present in the field in person. The precise methodology and opportunities for this can be

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released as a CD by the Musica Publishing House. 25 The planned performance of this composition in the current season has been cancelled because of the pandemic. I hope this outstanding work, much loved by its composer and

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