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The paper addresses meanings and etymologies of several problematic Sogdian lexemes. Sogd. ’ps’ynk- ‘motley’ is compared with Ved. piśánga- ‘red, red-brown’, Sogd. ’pt’r- ‘to pluck’ is analysed as a derivative of Ir. *dar ‘to tear’, ’rw’št(’)k ‘fixed, established’ is argued to represent an etymological participle of IE *( 1)werĝ ‘to lock∝, Sogd. ’rwynt- is assigned the meaning ‘to massage’ and linked to Av. var∂duua- ‘soft’, Sogd. (’)sty(y)w ‘although, even (if)’ is traced back to the phrase *’sty yw, approximately ‘be it (that)’, Sogd. ’ynδ(’y) is assigned a general meaning ‘female attendant’ and reconstructed as Ir. *yaunī dāhī ‘young female slave’. Sogd. βrk’yr- ‘to neglect’ is compared with YAv. kāraiia- ‘to celebrate, praise’, on the assumption that the semantic pejoration in the Sogdian lexeme is due to the prefix *fra-. The proposed original meaning of Sogd. ptfr’w- ‘to float up in memory’ is argued to point to its connection with Ir. *fraw ‘to swim, float’. Sogd. θrβ- ‘to tremble’ is analysed as an irregular derivative of *θrap/tarp ‘to be unsteady, to move unsteadily’.

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This analysis of Thomas Hardy's The Darkling Thrushemploys philosophical categories borrowed from the works of Herbert Spencer and Karl Jaspers. Thomas Hardy, although he did not attempt to base his poetry on a systematic philosophy, was well-versed in eighteenth and nineteenth century empiricism, positivism, liberalism and evolutionism. He was familiar with Herbert Spencer's philosophy of the Unknowable. Herbert in the 1860scriticised religious theories for the assumption that ultimate reality can be known. He conceived the Unknowable as a constituent part of the universe. Spencer's category was echoed in Hardy's frequent use of the privative prefix, as in the titles Unknowing, The Self-Unseeing, Self-Unconscious., Similarly, The Darkling Thrush concludes with the word “unaware”. The existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers, though from an antagonistic stance, used a similar category when in the 1930s he claimed that “In not-knowing, absolute consciousness becomes a kind of certainty.” The poem was written and published on the very last days of the 19th century, and thus not only records but also represents what Jaspers called a “boundary situation”. Hardy deals with transcendental hope contradicting human reason. The analysis points out that the metrical form of the poem is responsible for certain religious inference. Hardy used the so-called hymnal stanza, the form of popular church hymns by Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, William Cowper, and John Keeble, all known to Hardy. The effect is further enhanced by the religious connotations of the word “evensong”in stanza four. However, the contrapuntal structure of the poem carefully counterbalances any easy pathos. In the last verse-sentence the subordinate clause in which the word “Hope” occurs is modified by a non-restrictive adverbial clause. The word “unaware”, left nakedly in the final position, challenges the positive note of “Hope” So, although the vigour of the frail bird defies the emptiness of godless existence, the poem ends on a vacuum-effect. Hardy refuses to deify Nature's defiance, but does not deny the chance of Hope. This “conquered nonknowledge”is his reply to unreasoned hope.

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Az elkövetkezendő években a hazai talajosztályozás egyik fontos feladata a genetikus talajosztályozási rendszerünk és a World Soil Reference Base System (WRB) bonyolult kapcsolatrendszerének feltárása lesz. Jelen cikkünkben karsztvidékeink rendzinái közül az Aggteleki-karszton található Haragistya-fennsík néhány talajszelvényének referenciacsoportját határoztuk meg a WRB szerint. A kiválasztott öt szelvényből kettő fekete rendzina, kettő barna rendzina, egy pedig vörösagyagos rendzina volt. Kiválasztásuknál fontos szempontnak tartottuk, hogy jól reprezentálják a területen előforduló különböző rendzinatípusokat. A részletes szelvényleírások és a laboratóriumi vizsgálatok alapján definiáltuk talajaink jellemző diagnosztikai szintjeit, majd meghatároztuk a WRB-ben őket befogadó referenciacsoportokat. Ezek a fekete rendzinák esetében a Leptosols és a Phaeozems , a barna rendzinák esetében a Phaeozems és a Regosols , míg a vörösagyagos rendzinánk a Luvisol -oknál sorolt ki. Annak ellenére, hogy az elő- és utóminősítőkkel együtt a diagnosztikai besorolás jól leírja a vizsgált talajok legfontosabb tulajdonságait, számos esetben tapasztaltuk, hogy az egymáshoz hasonló, de minimális vastagságbeli, színárnyalatbeli különbségekkel rendelkező rendzináink teljesen más referenciacsoportba fognak kerülni. Az elvégzett vizsgálatok rávilágítanak arra, hogy rendzináink tipizálásánál számos megoldásra váró feladatunk van még.

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Hungarica 1997 44 317 40 Babko-Mayala, Olga 2003. Perfectivity and prefixation in Russian. In

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. Journal of Semantics 22 . 3 – 51 . Cardinaletti , Anna . 2003 . On the Italian repetitive prefix ri-: Incorporation vs. cliticization . University of Venice Working Papers

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. 2004 . When the prefixes meet the suffixes . Nordlyd Tromsø Working Papers on Language & Linguistics 32 . 363 – 401 . Jabłońska , Patrycja . 2007 . Radical decomposition and argument structure . Doctoral dissertation. University of Tromsø

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Morteza Maghrebi
Ali Abbasi
Saeid Amiri
Reza Monsefi
, and
Ahad Harati

early growth of the nanotechnology articles during the period of 1986–1995. They provided a set of simple keywords which had mostly begun with nano prefixes. Similarly, a website belonging to Thomson Scientific ( http

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International Journal of Lexicography 1999 12 263 79 Prćić, Tvrtko 2005. Prefixes vs initial

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Acta Linguistica Academica
Irina Burukina
Lena Borise
, and
Éva Dékány

agreement with coordinated structures. In Evaluativity of degree achievements and verbal prefixes: Evidence from Czech morphology Mojmír Dočekal and Lucia Vlášková consider the telicity behavior of degree achievements. They examine the

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Acta Linguistica Academica
Sabine Sommer-Lolei
Veronika Mattes
Katharina Korecky-Kröll
, and
Wolfgang U. Dressler

should be preferred over prefixation in young children (e.g., Peters 1997 ), who have a limited working memory capacity (e.g., Verhagen & Leseman 2016 ; Sumner et al. 2019 ), whereas prefixation should be preferred by adults due to the primacy effect

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