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prevalence estimates (10.3% in men; 7.0% in women). Given its operationalization of the phenomenon, the study might overestimate the proportion of individuals who were in need of clinical treatment. The CSBI-13 is a screening instrument developed before the
IGD is assumed to significantly reduce the risk of misdiagnosis. Thirdly, psychiatric comorbidity which may influence the performance of a screening instrument was not evaluated in study participants. Lastly, the new scoring method for the IGDT-10 was
A high prevalence of depression at moderate or above level was observed in this study. Depression defined by a screening instrument (i.e., CES-D) was a significant predictor of clinical depression diagnosis ( Pietsch et al., 2013 ) and other physical
-021-00367-7 . Sakurai , K. , Nishi , A. , Kondo , K. , Yanagida , K. , & Kawakami , N. ( 2011 ). Screening performance of K6/K10 and other screening instruments for mood and anxiety disorders in Japan . Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences , 65 ( 5 ), 434
. , & Benishay , D. ( 1995 ). The SPQ-B: A Brief screening instrument for schizotypal personality disorder . Journal of Personality Disorders , 9 ( 4 ), 346 – 355 . https
Marmet, Notari, and Gmel (2015) , a screening instrument for problem gaming was only used with individuals with an AGT of 1 hour or more per day. In line with this research, the AGT was dichotomised using a threshold of 1 hour per day as a precondition
.1007/s10899-017-9695-1 Dowling , N. A. , Merkouris , S. S. , Dias , S. , Rodda , S. N. , Manning , V. , Youssef , G. J. , ( 2019 ). The diagnostic accuracy of brief screening instruments for problem gambling: A systematic review and meta
. , & Hall , P. ( 1974 ). The CAGE questionnaire: Validation of a new alcoholism screening instrument . American Journal of Psychiatry , 131 ( 10 ), 1121 – 1123 . . Morgan , J.F. , Reid , F. , & Lacey , J
. Problem gambling and gambling frequency. We used the 20-item South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS; Lesieur & Blume, 1987 ) to evaluate participants’ gambling-related behavior and problems. The SOGS is a widely used screening instrument for problem gambling
. , Mitchell , J. E. , De Zwaan , M. , & Brand , M. ( 2015 ). The pathological buying screener: Development and psychometric properties of a new screening