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institutions rather than supporting the sorts of systemic changes that could prevent harm and improve mental health. Productivisation & pathologization Moving now from inspecting the dynamics of depoliticisation in the psychedelic space, the next mechanism for

Open access

, 2018 ). Participants who answered, “I don't know” to questions about use were tallied as an affirmative response, and participants refusing to answer were not counted. There were relatively few people who gave these sorts of responses

Open access

of interconnected possibilities for further perception that constitute and complete our sense of reality. It is important to note that the horizon is not a sort of mental projection onto an otherwise fully determinate world, but that it is a

Open access

sea, a Nordic funeral of sorts. This journey was all about my life, not my parents' lives. In contrast to my previous journeys that were entirely in darker colors, this one bloomed into vibrant red and orange colors. It was calm, peaceful, and

Open access

Judgment in Zoroastrianism, at the end of time, Mithra initiates the final sorting of souls according to deed—an event culminating in a celestial haoma (soma) sacrifice that ushers in a restoration of an earthly paradise where death is forever vanquished

Open access

determined by this sort of data, and other study designs are needed to probe remaining questions on this topic as we have raised above. Further limitations include the fact that the NSDUH does not report number of LSD exposures, doses of LSD used, setting of

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thought, ‘Well, I haven’t been sexually abused, you know, I’d remember that [sort of thing].’ So [at the time], I just put it out of my mind. Annie confirmed to the retreat therapist that she had read the book. As she recalls, the therapist replied, “You

Open access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Nicholas Spiers
Beatriz Caiuby Labate
Anna O. Ermakova
Patrick Farrell
Osiris Sinuhé González Romero
Ibrahim Gabriell
, and
Nidia Olvera

medicine. He also came to understand the mushroom experience as some sort of anthropomorphization of the mushroom by the shaman, by which the mushrooms are used to heal or resolve a specific problem. One example of this is the use of the word “ Tzo” by the

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Agathe Mansueto
Gaëlle Challet-Bouju
Jean-Benoit Hardouin
, and
Marie Grall-Bronnec

), Sensation Seeking, Positive Urgency; VAS = Visual Analogue Scale; WAIS = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WCST = Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; WHOQOL-bref = World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref; ZKPQ = Zuckerman–Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire

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Egészséges, normális szív esetén a bal kamra bazális része szisztoléban az óramutató járásának megfelelően rotálódik, míg a szívcsúcs azzal ellentétes irányba mozdul el. Ezt a fajta facsaró-csavaró mozgást a szív csavarodásának (twist) nevezik. Ennek az összefoglaló jellegű közleménynek a célja a szív bal kamrai rotációjával és csavarodásával kapcsolatos fontos tudnivalók és vizsgálati lehetőségeinek bemutatása. Orv. Hetil., 2012, 153, 1547–1551.

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