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S. P. Walsh 2008 Personality and self-esteem as predictors of young people's technology use Cyberpsychology and Behavior 11 6
. . Klemm , C. , & Pieters , W. ( 2017 ). Game mechanics and technological mediation: An ethical perspective on the effects of MMORPG’s . Ethics and Information Technology , 19 ( 2 ), 81 – 93 . https
of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (2021-A216). Informed written consent was obtained from every participant and their guardians before the filed investigation. Results Sample information Among 18,900 participants
alternative behaviors adopted by heavy gamers under the restriction. To determine the factors (individual factors, feeling of restriction, parent technology interference) that are associated with the behaviors of violating the restriction and watching short
, WIT transactions on information and communication technologies (Vol. 31 ). Southampton : WIT Press . Davis , R. A. ( 2001 ). A cognitive-behavioral model of
and perceived gratification match-up. A series of information systems frameworks have proposed information system expectations and disconfirmation as part of technology gratifications ( Bhattacherjee & Sanford, 2009 ). Elliott and Rosenberg ( 1987
Introduction Nowadays, with the rapid development and popularity of the internet technology and artificial intelligence, and widespread utilization of these techniques in mobile communication equipment, the mobile phone
periods of isolation, technology-based activity, and limited face-to-face interaction have the danger of solidifying unhealthy lifestyle patterns, intensifying technology-related disorders and leading to difficulties to readaptation when the COVID-19
). Ethics The study procedures were carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The Institutional Review Board of the Biomedical Ethics Committee of University of Science and Technology of China approved the study. All subjects
Introduction Recent advances in information and entertainment technologies have provided not only significant benefits to everyday life but also have engendered potentially harmful activities. For example, the easy accessibility to online gambling