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The fat content of Bologna-type turkey sausages was partially replaced with pea fiber or potato starch. Textural properties of full fat turkey sausage were mainly restored in sausages when fat was partially replaced with some levels of pea fiber (0.6, 1.2%) or potato starch (1.9%). Authors observed significant correlation (P<0.01) between instrumentally measured values of hardness and chewiness and sensory ratings of low fat sausages.
The enrichment of bread with wheat bran as a source of dietary fibre seems to be necessary for human health, because bread is the most consumed commodity in many countries. However, wheat bran has some adverse effects on the bread quality during storage. The aim of this study was to produce barbari bread with increased nutritional value and improved texture by the addition of coated wheat bran (0.67 and 1.34% based on flour stearic acid or St1, 2 and beeswax or Bw1, 2). Bread made from uncoated wheat bran was used as control. The least crust to crumb ratio was seen for control and Bw1. Water activity and moisture content results showed that the crumb of Bw1 and control had the better moisture retention during storage. Textural properties of samples showed that there were no significant differences in the hardness of the samples (P>0.05). However, the least increase in hardness during storage was observed for stearic acid coated samples. Other texture profile analysis parameters, such as cohesiveness and springiness, showed that Bw1 and Bw2 samples had no significant changes during storage. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed the least enthalpy for Bw1 after baking (385.21 J g–1) and during storage (567.62 J g–1). Accordingly, results showed that beeswax, especially at 0.67% (based on flour), is the best shell material for bran coating in order to improve bread texture and shelf life.
The reactions occurring between CaCO3/CaO and SO2/SO3 in oxidizing atmospheres are discussed. Calcination and sulphation were carried out in a thermobalance under conditions relevant to atmospheric fluidized bed combustion. It is suggested that the quality of limestones as potential SO2 sorbents can be assessed on the basis of tests carried out in a TG apparatus adapted for use with corrosive gases. Limestone calcined under different conditions including the treatment with NaCl leads to changes in surface texture. Sulphated samples were examined in a SEM by energy dispersive X-ray and backscattered electron imaging. Two sulphur-bearing solids (CaSO4 and CaS) were identified. The sulphation rate and extent are determined by the product layer diffusion. The amount of CaS present at the end of the process depends on the particle size of the sorbent.
Eight descriptive sensory textural attributes of whole date fruit were evaluated by twenty trained panel members and correlated with sixteen physicochemical properties. All sensory parameters, except gumminess, significantly correlated (Ps<0.05) with pectin, crude fibre, and moisture content. In addition, sensory hardness, cohesiveness, elasticity, and resilience correlated significantly with length of whole fruit (P<0.05), sensory adhesiveness with glucose content (P<0.05), sensory chewiness with mass of whole fruit (P<0.05), and sensory gumminess with fructose, glucose, and total sugar content (P<0.10). Sweetness, however, correlated only with moisture content (P<0.05). CA and the biplot (i.e. including all products, their sensory texture and physicochemical attributes) generated through PCA recognized three groups of dates as hard-chewy, soft-(medium-chewy), and soft-(non-adhesive).
Structure – Texture – Facture
Anyagszerűség és digitális technika az építészetben. A BME Építészettörténeti és Műemléki Tanszék 2011. május 12-i konferenciájának előadásai
Influence of plant leaf texture of camphor, guava and fig on development, reproduction and life table parameters of the phytoseiid mite, Cydnoseius zaheri (Yousef and El Borolossy) was studied at 27 °C and 70% R.H. as rearing substrates. Cydnoseius zaheri successfully developed and reproduced on different plant leaves. Guava and camphor leaves were the most appropriate surfaces as individuals induced the shortest generation period and the highest reproduction rate. In contrast, fig leaf was the least suitable surface. A total of 53.0, 41.6 and 36.9 eggs/&8482; were obtained when guava, camphor and fig leaves were provided as rearing substrates. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and the finite rate of increase (exp rm) were 0.280 and 1.323 on camphor, 0.261 and 1.298 on guava and 0.169 and 1.183 on fig, respectively. Cydnoseius zaheri showed the highest fecundity rate (Mx), which compensated its lowest survival rate (Lx), on guava leaf. However, the predator exhibited the highest survival rate and the lowest fecundity rate on fig leaf.
Metamorphic mineral assemblages in low-temperature metaclastic rocks often contain paragonite and/or its precursor metastable phase (mixed K-Na-white mica). Relationships between the bulk rock major element chemistries and the formation of paragonite at seven localities from Central and SE-Europe were studied, comparing the bulk chemical characteristics with mineral assemblage, mineral chemical and metamorphic petrological data. Considerable overlaps between the projection fields of bulk chemistries of the Pg-free and Pg-bearing metaclastic rocks indicate significant differences between the actual (as analyzed) and effective bulk chemical compositions. Where inherited, clastic, inert phases/constituents were excluded, it was found that a decrease in Na/(Na+Al*) and in K/(K+Al*) ratios of rocks favors the formation and occurrence of Pg and its precursor phases (Al* denotes here the atomic quantity of aluminum in feldspars, white micas and “pure” hydrous or anhydrous aluminosilicates). In contrast to earlier suggestions, enrichment in Na and/or an increase in Na/K ratio by themselves do not lead to formation of paragonite. Bulk rock chemistries favorable to formation of paragonite and its precursor phases are characterized by enrichment in Al and depletion in Na, K, Ca (and also, Mg and Fe2+). Such bulk rock chemistries are characteristic of chemically “mature” (strongly weathered) source rocks of the pelites and may also be formed by synand post-sedimentary magmatism-related hydrothermal (leaching) activity. What part of the whole rock is active in determining the effective bulk chemistry was investigated by textural examination of diagenetic and anchizone-grade samples. It is hypothesized that although solid phases act as local sources and sinks, transport of elements such as Na through the grain boundaries have much larger communication distances. Sodium-rich white micas nucleate heterogeneously using existing phyllosilicates as templates and are distributed widely on the thin section scale. The results of modeling by THERMOCALC suggest that paragonite preferably forms at higher pressures in low-T metapelites. The stability fields of Pg-bearing assemblages increase, the Pg-in reaction line is shifted towards lower pressures, while the stability field of the Chl-Ms-Ab-Qtz assemblage decreases and is shifted towards higher temperatures with increasing Al* content and decreasing Na/(Na+Al*) and K/(K+Al*) ratios.
The influence of storage time on different quality parameters and in vitro antioxidant activity of peaches cv. Elegant Lady harvested at two ripening stages (immature and commercial mature) and stored under cold and marketing conditions were assessed. Destructive (physical-chemical properties, antioxidant activity, and firmness) and non-destructive parameters (colour and index of absorbance difference, IAD) were assessed.
Storage and ripening stage influenced firmness, colour, and antioxidant activity. Firmness decreased significantly during cold and marketing storage, and skin colour parameters, a* and b*, underwent a deepening of the red hue, while IAD values fully justified differences in colour over storage time and ripening stage. The antioxidant activity increased during storage, although polyphenols and ascorbic acid contents remained constant, and was higher in commercial mature fruit than immature peaches, that revealed a ratio of total sugars/total acids more equilibrated.
The aim of this study was to use DSC and X-ray diffraction measurements to determine the pore size and pore wall thickness of highly ordered SBA-15 materials. The DSC curves showed two endothermic events during the heating cycle. These events were due to the presence of water inside and outside of mesopores. The results of pore radius, wall thickness and pore volume measurements were in good agreement with the results obtained by nitrogen adsorption measurement, XRD and transmission electron microscopy.