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by Tzoumaki et al. (2009) . A cutting test was performed using a TA-TPB probe to make precise cuts at the designated positions on the asparagus. The measurements were performed using a probe with constant speed at 1.0 mm s −1 . The Texture Expert
experiment was conducted to study the effect of plow types and plowing speeds on some physical properties of the soil in gypsiferous soil with a sandy loam texture, whose specifications are shown in Table 1 during the 2022 agricultural season. The first
case of curing, both physical and chemical processes take place in the product, which strongly determine the quality of final product. These changes are important for the taste, texture, colour and protein formation. Mayer et al. (2010) found that
Colour of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) accessions influenced by the length of cold storage •
Grapevine berry colour measurement
. Magyarország , Budapest , 2011.11.10-2011.11.11. Paper Paper S3/1 . Barrett , D.M. , Beaulieu , J.C. , and Shewfelt , R. ( 2010 ). Color, flavor, texture, and nutritional quality of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables: desirable levels, instrumental and
„Két lábbal a földön, avagy miként próbál a talajtan válaszokat adni a globális kihívásokra”
Beszámoló a HUN-REN ATK Talajtani Intézetének Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe előadónapjáról
. 13 . 417 . LABORCZI , A ., SZATMÁRI , G ., KAPOSI , A.D ., PÁSZTOR , L . , 2019 . Comparison of soil texture maps synthetized from standard depth layers with directly compiled products . Geoderma . 352 . 360 – 372 . MAGYAR , M ., PIRKÓ
virtual surroundings and stimulating the actual environment which can influence customer choices in sensory testing. Participants had rated the acceptability of sweetness, bitterness, texture, mouth-coating, aftertaste, and overall liking (9-point scale
. However, glauconite does not behave like typical sand since it contains many micro-pores with a higher water-holding capacity than true sand and a higher cation exchange capacity. Some types of glauconite are presented as pellets of two textural forms
good cheers me up has a pleasant texture can be cooked very simply contains no additives comes from countries I approve of politically contains natural ingredients contains no artificial ingredients is cheap is not expensive is good value for money is
ascorbic acid mixture treatment did not have a noticeable effect on the color characteristics of the meat samples. Table 2. Values of instrumental texture parameters of vacuum packed treated and non-treated beef and deer meat samples during 21 days of
common ingredient in cakes and desserts. To provide a desirable texture and quality in such food products it is crucial for the food industry to improve the foaming properties of egg white ( Duan et al., 2017 ). The foaming formation is mostly influenced