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. The Dobe Kung. Leslie, A. M. (1987): Pretence and representation: the origins of "theory of mind". Psychological Review , 94, 412-426. Pretence and
579 587 Perner, J., Kloo, D. , & Gornik, E. (2007). Episodic memory development: Theory of mind is part of re-experiencing experienced events. Infant and Child
memory development: Theory of mind is part of re-experiencing experienced events Infant and Child Development 16 471 490 . J
A Gyermeki Viselkedés Kérdőív legrövidebb változatának (CBQ VS) magyar adaptációja
Hungarian version of the Children's Behavior Questionnaire very short form (CBQ VS)
.J. ( 2001 ). Individual differences in inhibitory control and children's theory of mind . Child Development , 72 , 1032 – 1053 . D. Molnár , É. ( 2017 ). Erőfeszítés alapú
Evési szokások magyar serdülők körében
Eating attitudes among Hungarian adolescents
. Other Press, New York, 2002. 21 Gál Z, Egyed K, Pászthy B, et al. Impaired theory of mind in anorexia nervosa. [Tudatelméleti deficit anorexia
Leslie, A. M. (1987): Pretence and representation. The origins of "theory of mind". Psychological Review , 94, 412-426. Pretence and representation. The origins of "theory of mind". Psychological
Az orvosi pszichológia fejlődése hazánkban: szemléleti keretek, határterületek és alkalmazások
The medical psychology in Hungary: way of thinking, frame of references and applications
–670. 15 Fodor JA. A theory of the child’s theory of mind. Cognition 1994; 44: 283–296. 16 Guastella AJ, Mitchell PB, Dadds MR. Oxytocin increases gaze
theory of mind in autism: a test of relevance theory. In: Cognition 48: 101-19. Communicative competence and theory of mind in autism: a test of relevance theory Cognition
Richards, R. (1987): Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior . Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior
. Leslie, A. M. (1987): Pretense and representation: The origins of "Theory of mind". Psychological Review , 94, 412-426. Pretense and representation: The origins of "Theory of mind". Psychological