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life functioning. Criteria for internet gaming disorder (IGD) are located in Section III of the DSM-5 ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ). It has been also designated as an addictive disorder by the World Health Organization in ICD-11 ( https

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Claudia Marino
Natale Canale
Alessio Vieno
Gabriele Caselli
Luca Scacchi
, and
Marcantonio M. Spada

Introduction In recent years, the recognition of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) as mental health problem by two prominent diagnostic systems of mental disorders (DSM-5 and ICD-11) has facilitated the proliferation of studies attempting to understand

Open access

Introduction In 2013, internet gaming disorder (IGD) was included in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as ‘a disorder warranting further study’ ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ). In 2019

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Guilherme Borges
Ricardo Orozco
Corina Benjet
Kalina I. Martínez Martínez
Eunice Vargas Contreras
Ana Lucia Jiménez Pérez
Alvaro Julio Peláez Cedrés
Praxedis Cristina Hernández Uribe
María Anabell Covarrubias Díaz Couder
Raúl A. Gutierrez-Garcia
Guillermo E. Quevedo Chavez
Yesica Albor
Enrique Mendez
Maria Elena Medina-Mora
Philippe Mortier
, and
Hans-Juergen Rumpf

Introduction In 2013, Internet gaming disorder (IGD) was included in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as a condition for further study ( American Psychiatric Association

Open access

self-esteem, interpersonal conflicts and lower academic performance (e.g. Kiraly et al., 2014; Kuss, Griffiths, Karila, & Billieux, 2014; Torres-Rodríguez, Griffiths, Carbonell, & Oberst, 2018 ). Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is defined as “persistent

Open access

; Kuss, & Griffiths, 2012 ). Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been defined as a behavioral addiction and was included in Section III of the DSM-5 as a tentative disorder requiring further research ( American Psychiatric Association, 2013 ). During

Open access

Introduction Internet gaming disorder (IGD) encompasses a dysfunctional pattern of gaming characterized by impaired control and elevated priority given to gaming, leading to interference with occupational, social, and academic functions. Previous

Open access

Introduction The recent inclusion of Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in Section III (“Emerging Measures and Models”) of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5; American

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Alexandra Torres-Rodríguez
Mark D. Griffiths
Xavier Carbonell
, and
Ursula Oberst

Association [APA], 2013 ); (b) scoring 71 or more on Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGD-20 Test; Pontes, Király, Demetrovics, & Griffiths, 2014 ) adapted to Spanish population ( Fuster, Carbonell, Pontes, & Griffiths, 2016 ); (c) being aged 12–18 years; (d

Open access
Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Sam-Wook Choi
Hyun Kim
Ga-Young Kim
Yeongju Jeon
Su Park
Jun-Young Lee
Hee Jung
Bo Sohn
Jung-Seok Choi
, and
Dai-Jin Kim

. S., Choi, S. W. & Kim, D. J. (2014). Development of the Internet addiction scale based on the Internet Gaming Disorder criteria suggested in DSM-5. Addictive Behaviors , 39 (9), 1361–1366. Kim D. J

Open access