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state had to give after WWII. Such re-evaluations of well-known Hungarian authors, we can fairly call them classics, were an essential part of the literary policy of the Communist Party which wanted effectively to alter established versions of cultural
1 In Hungarian cultural memory, Ferenc Rákóczi II is known primarily as the leader of the anti-Habsburg War that broke out in 1703. His literary activities became known only to a narrower circle, and for a long time their reception in literary
cultural memory after his emigration (November 1944) during the decades until the change of political regimes in the late 1990s. Although there were attempts at his rehabilitation (such as the biography by Bálint Vázsonyi published in 1971 1 or a centenary
A környezetpszichológiától az ember-környezet tranzakció tudományig - áttekintés az elmúlt (majdnem) 30 évről
From Environmental Psychology to the Human-Environment Transaction Science - Overview of the Past (Almost) 30 Years
, 26 ( 6 ), 849 - 863 . 10.1080/13504622.2020.1752363 Kovács , J. , Pántya , J. , Bernáth , A. , Medvés , D. , & Bányai , Zs. ( 2011 ). Subjects of Hungarian cultural Memory in Images . Applied Psychology in Hungary , 1 , 7 - 21 . Kovács
centralized management of folk art trade. Acknowledgments The study has been published with the support of ELKH research project SA-35/2021 Heritagization, Cultural Memory, Identity, and NRDI project K_22 142797 (K_22 143295) Heritage Constructions in
: Temporality and the Crossing of Borders in Europe . Manchester : Manchester University Press . Erll , Astrid − Nünning , Ansgar (eds.) 2010 A Companion to Cultural Memory Studies . Berlin in New York
Ethnicity and Representation
Material Folk Art at the Intersection of Local Identity, Minority Policy Goals, and Ethnographers' Aspirations in the 1970s and 1980s in Hungary
research project SA-35/2021 Heritagization, Cultural Memory, Identity , while the publication of the study was also supported by NRDI grant K_22 142797 (K_22 143295) Heritage Construction in Contemporary Community Settings — Identity, Memory
.g., Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, Belmont Report) that has never been publicly acknowledged. African Americans individually may not know the details of the crimes committed against Black communities, but the cultural memory remains ( Suite, La Bril
integral part of the settlement. It is this great work that I wish to contribute to with my research on industrial heritage. Acknowledgments The research was funded by projects ELKH SA-35/2021 Heritagization, Cultural Memory, Identity, and NRDI K_22