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Wheat is the major staple food in most temperate countries, including Europe and North America. In addition to providing energy and protein it is a significant source of a number of essential or beneficial components, including B vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. Cereal fibre has established benefits in reducing the risk of several chronic diseases but the consumption of fibre is below the recommended daily intake in the typical “Western diet”. Improving the content and composition of wheat fibre is therefore an attractive strategy to improve the health of large populations at low cost. The major dietary fibre components of wheat grain are arabinoxylan and β-glucan. Both vary in their amount, composition, and properties in different grain fractions, with white flour being lower in total fibre than bran but having a higher proportion of soluble fibre. There is significant variation in the amounts and structures of arabinoxylan and β-glucan in bread wheat genotypes, including commercial cultivars from different regions of the world, old landraces and exotic lines. This variation is also highly heritable, which should allow plant breeders to develop improved cultivars. Gradients in fibre composition and content within the grain may also allow millers to produce specialist high fibre flours.

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Acta Alimentaria
V. Vucic
J. Tepsic
A. Arsic
T. Popovic
J. Debeljak-Martacic
, and
M. Glibetic

Although fatty acid (FA) composition of vegetable oils used daily markedly influences human health, there are no detailed data on their composition in available on-line food composition data bases, particularly from Central and Eastern Europe. This study focused on determination of the FA composition of eight different vegetable oils, which are commonly used in nutrition, as well as the dietary habits in oil consumption in Serbia. The results showed high contents of n-6 linoleic acid (LA) and total polyunsaturated FA in sunflower and grapeseed oil (62.5 and 70.0%, respectively), while the highest content of oleic acid and total monounsaturated FA was found in canola oil (64.4%) and olive oil (67.0%). Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, n-3) was found in linseed oil (53.6%) and to a lesser extent in canola oil (7%). The results of the survey showed that processed sunflower oil is the most often consumed oil in Serbia. Therefore there is a high daily intake of LA, which may have unfavourable impact on human health. Considering our similar dietary habits, it could be proposed that the same situation applies to the whole region. However, changes in dietary habits and proper choice of oils could improve overall health in our region.

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The concentration of certain toxic and essential elements in various raw materials of Chinese herbs and scientific Chinese medicine were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Correlation of these elements as they exist in the raw materials and in the prescription of medicine were investigated and the approximate intake of elements by patients were estimated. Values of elements determined both by ASS and INAA presented excellent agreement. The ranges of elemental concentrations were found to vary from 104 to 10–1 mg/kg in different kinds of herbs. All herbs exhibit extraordinary enrichment capabilities from the environment for elements such as Mn, Zn, Ca, K, Mg, Cd, Cu, Pb and As. Higher contents of Cd, Pb and As in herbs may be attributed to the uptake of these elements from polluted soil due to industrial and antropogenic activities. It was found that commercial scientific Chinese medicine, SCDBT, contains more elemental concentrations than that of herbs used in the prescription, which may indicate that possible contamination could be caused by unknown ingredients added in the process. A much higher toxic elemental content, such as Pb, Cd and As, has been found in CFH and the daily intake of these elements by the patient will exceed the PTDI values.

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The intake and tissue distribution of thorium (2 3 2Th) was studied in an urban (Bombay) population in India. From the analysis of 16 whole diet samples, the average daily intake through food was found to be 2 g (range 0.8–4.3 g·d–1). The estimated intake through drinking water and inhalation comes out to be 0.03 and 0.02 g per day. From the analysis of human autopsy tissue samples it is observed that the concentration ranges in lungs and bone are 1.5–16 g/kg and 0.2–9.0 g/kg fresh weight respectively. The average urinary concentration is 12 ng/1 (range 7–22 ng/l for 10 samples). Among the different body tissues, pulmonary lymph nodes were found to contain the highest concentration (geometric mean 53.4 g/kg, range 31.4–85.5 g/kg for 6 samples). Analysis of the samples was done by the neutron activation technique. 311.8 keV gamma photons of2 3 3Pa which is the activation product of2 3 2Th, were counted after chemical separation. A 54 cm3 intrinsic Ge detector coupled to 1024-channel analyser was used. Using the average lung content and the daily average intake values of thorium through inhalation, the clearance half-time from lung was estimated.

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Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
A. Awudu
A. Faanu
E. Darko
G. Emi-Reynolds
O. Adukpo
D. Kpeglo
F. Otoo
H. Lawluvi
R. Kpodzro
I. Ali
M. Obeng
, and
B. Agyeman


Knowledge of radioactivity levels in human diet is of particular concern for the estimation of possible radiological hazards to human health. However, very few surveys of radioactivity in food have been conducted in Ghana. The natural radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra, 228Th and 40K were measured in the foodstuffs using gamma ray spectrometry. All samples were found to contain high 40K content in the range 87.77–368.50 Bq kg−1. The maximum concentration of 228Th and 40K were found in cassava to be 14.93 ± 3.86 and 368.50 ± 19.20 Bq kg−1, respectively. The total annual committed effective dose was estimated to be 4.64 mSv. The daily intake of radionuclides from food consumption reveals that cassava and plantain are the highest contributors, while millet is the lowest. The daily radionuclide intake from the foodstuffs consumed by the general public was 411.32 Bq and the daily internal dose resulting from ingestion of the radionuclides in the foodstuffs was 0.01 mSv. The radionuclide concentrations were comparable with those reported from other countries.

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In the under developed countries, the people of far-flung rural areas still depend to a large extent upon herbal medicines. At the foundation of usage of herbal medicine is the experience of thousands of years. The present paper deals with the characterisation of exotic fruits for essential and toxic elements. The samples include Morus nigra, Morus alba, Salvadora persica and Carissa opaca (from low and high altitude). Two standardizations of neutron activation analysis, that is, semi-absolute k 0-instrumental neutron activation analysis (k 0-INAA) and epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA) were employed for the quantification of elements. The analysis methodologies were validated by analyzing the IAEA-336 (lichen) and NIST-SRM-1572 (citrus leaves). Sixteen elements including Br, Ca, Cl, Co, Cr, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Rb, Sb, Sc Sr, and Zn were determined in all samples. Daily intakes of various elements from the samples were measured and compared with the dietary reference intakes. Additionally, principal component analysis was performed to extract information regarding samples and elements.

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Mineral contents of strawberry, collected from different farms of Islamabad were analysed by semi-absolute k 0-instrumental neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The samples were irradiated at two research reactors located in Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (PINSTECH), Islamabad. The analytical methodologies were validated by analysing reference materials, IAEA-336 (lichen) and IAEA-V-10 (hay powder). In all the samples, a total of 26 elements were quantified, among them 16 elements (Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Ru, Sc, Sr and Zn) were found in all the samples. The determined elemental concentrations in strawberry were compared with the reported values from other countries. In comparison with the mineral contents of other fruits, strawberry stands best source of Mn and the second most important source of K after banana. Intake of trace metals through this source was calculated and it was found that strawberry provides Mn (1.95–3.68 mg/kg), Cr (19.2–46.3 × 10−3 mg/kg), Fe (3.45–8.72 mg/kg), K (1,520–1,670 mg/kg) and Mg (100–220 mg/kg), which forms 26, 19, 14, 7 and 7% of the recommended dietary allowances for the respective metals. The daily intake of Cd and Pb were compared with the provisional tolerable weekly intake defined by FAO/WHO.

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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Anna Visy
Karina Ilona Hidas
József Surányi
Gábor Jónás
, and
László Friedrich


Excessive consumption of salt causes many diseases, including high blood pressure and cardiovascular system disease. In most countries, salt intake is above the WHO guideline daily intake. In Hungary, the average salt intake is more than double the recommended value. Based on these, significant changes are needed in food technology and recipes. To avoid excessive salt intake Hungary has joined the European Union's community program for salt reduction.

The aim of this study was to compare the salt content in different areas of Mangalitsa ham during the dry salting, and compare the average salt content with the regulations of the Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus. The ham was dry salted with 10% by weight of the meat and placed in a controlled atmosphere storage room. The curing took 21 days. The NaCl uptake was measured with Mohr method. The ham was cut at 3 points Cushion (C), Fore Cushion (FC) and Butt End (BE). The salt content of BE was generally higher than the other two areas (C, FC). The differences can be explained by the difference in the thickness of the pieces of meat and fat. The average salt content of the different areas did not exceed the threshold limit in the Codex Alimentarius Hungaricus. At the beginning of the experiment, the salt content of each meat layer was very different, the absorbed salt was concentrated in the surface layer. Over time, as the ham lost a lot of water and due to the lack of outer salt, a significant increase in salt content began in the meat centrum. By day 80, the salt content of the meat centrum exceeded the salt content of both the fat and the surface layer.

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Negyven év az orvoslásban.

Magyar orvosok egészségi állapota és egyéb jellemzői 40 évvel a diplomaszerzés után

Working 40 years as medical doctors.

Health status and some other characteristics of Hungarian medical doctors 40 years after graduation
Orvosi Hetilap
Imre Rurik

Az egészségügyi dolgozók, így az orvosok egészségi állapota fontos kutatásterület az egészségügyben, kevésbé hazánkban és a kelet-közép-európai országokban. A Budapesten 1979-ben végzett orvosok egészségi állapotát, morbiditását, antropometriai adatait, életmódját, szakmai pályafutását próbáltuk meg felmérni kohorszjellegű vizsgálatban 25, 30 és 40 évvel a diplomázást követően, különbséget keresve nemek és szakmacsoportok között. A 2019-ben elvégzett felméréskor a résztvevők átlagéletkora 64,9 év, átlagos gyermekszámuk 2,08, míg a manuális szakmákban dolgozók esetében magasabb (2,43) volt, a férfi orvosoknak volt több gyermekük. A pályafutásuk alatt teljesített ügyeletek száma az életkorral csökkent. Legnagyobb részük 2019-ben már nyugdíjas volt, 70%-uk nyugdíj mellett is dolgozott. A megkérdezettek 27%-a volt szakmaváltó, 36% nem arra a szakterületre készült, mint ahol befejezte pályafutását. Kb. 10% szerzett tudományos fokozatot, nagy részük elégedett volt szakmai pályafutásával. Az orvosok testsúlyának és testtömegindexének életkori emelkedésében nem volt statisztikai különbség a nemek és a szakmacsoportok között. Az általuk megadott adatok szerint diabetesben 7%, hypertoniában 44% szenvedett. A rendszeres szűrővizsgálatok elhanyagolása gyakoribb volt a férfiaknál. Azonos korosztályú betegeivel összehasonlítva 71% ítélte jobbnak saját egészségi állapotát. A sportolást említők körében a férfiak nagyobb arányban voltak; a sportolásra fordított idő átlagos mennyisége az évtizedek alatt nem változott, viszont a sportolók száma és a csapatsportokban részt vevők aránya jelentősen csökkent. Alvásuk jellemzően nyugodt, munkanapok között 6,3, hétvégente 7,7 óra terjedelmű volt. Kiégést nem említettek. A dohányzók aránya jelentősen lecsökkent, az elfogyasztott napi alkoholmennyiséget átlagosan 1,3, a hetit 3,7 egységnek adták meg. A korábbi vizsgálatokban talált különbségek 2019-re a szakmacsoportok között elmosódtak. A magyar egészségügy problémáit hasonlóan értékelik, bár jövedelmük az utóbbi években jelentősen emelkedett. Orv Hetil. 2023; 164(29): 1127–1133.

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Magyarországi konszenzusajánlás a D-vitamin szerepéről a betegségek megelőzésében és kezelésében

Hungarian consensus recommendation on the role of vitamin D in disease prevention and treatment

Orvosi Hetilap
István Takács
Magdolna Dank
Judit Majnik
György Nagy
András Szabó
Boglárka Szabó
Zoltán Szekanecz
István Sziller
Erzsébet Toldy
András Tislér
Zsuzsanna Valkusz
Szabolcs Várbíró
Norbert Wikonkál
, and
Péter Lakatos

Összefoglaló. Kilenc magyarországi orvostársaság közös ajánlást alakított ki a D-vitamin javasolt normáltartományával, a D-vitamin-pótlás adagjával és az adagolás módjával kapcsolatban. Összefoglalták azokat a klinikai állapotokat, betegségeket, amelyek kialakulása összefüggésben lehet a D-vitamin-hiánnyal. Magyarországon a D-vitamin-hiány – főleg a tél végére – rendkívül gyakori. A javasolt normáltartomány alsó határa 75 nmol/l, annak ellenére, hogy a hiány klinikai jelentősége főleg 50 nmol/l alatti értékeknél nyilvánvaló, ám mivel a D-vitamin pótlása a javasolt dózisban biztonságos, mindenkinél érdemes csökkenteni a D-vitamin-hiánnyal kapcsolatos egészségügyi kockázatot. A D-vitamin-pótlás célja a hiány megszüntetése. A javasolt normáltartomány 75–125 nmol/l, az ezt meghaladó tartományban a D-vitamin adásának nincs további egyértelmű előnye. A normáltartomány fenntartásához felnőttekben napi 2000 NE bevitele javasolt az UV-B sugárzástól mentes időszakban. Gyermekeknek is javasolt a D-vitamin pótlása azokban az időszakokban és állapotokban, mint a felnőtteknek, de az adag korfüggő módon változik. D-vitamin-pótlásra D3-vitamin adása javasolt. Felnőttekben a D3-vitamin-pótlás napi, heti és havi gyakoriságú adagolással is egyformán hatásos és biztonságos. Súlyos hiányban javasolt telítő adagot alkalmazni, majd ezt követően fenntartó adagolással kell folytatni a pótlást. A D-vitamin-hiány jól ismert csontrendszeri, immunológiai és onkológiai hatásai mellett egyre több adat támasztja alá előnytelen nőgyógyászati és szülészeti hatásait is. A legerősebb érv a D-vitamin-hiány megszüntetése és a szükséges pótlás alkalmazása mellett a halálozási kockázat D-vitamin-hiányban észlelt növekedése. A konszenzus elkészítésének folyamata megfelelt a Delfi-irányelveknek. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(15): 575–584.

Summary. Nine Hungarian medical societies have developed a consensus recommendation on the preferred normal range of vitamin D, the dose of vitamin D supplementation and the method of administration. They summarized the clinical conditions and diseases the development of which may be associated with vitamin D deficiency (VDD). VDD is extremely common in Hungary, especially in late winter. The lower limit of the recommended normal range is 75 nmol/l, although the clinical significance of deficiency is evident mainly at values below 50 nmol/l, but since vitamin D supplementation at the recommended dose is safe, it is worthwhile for everyone to reduce the health risk associated with VDD. The aim of vitamin D supplementation is to prevent deficiency. The recommended normal range is 75–125 nmol/l, above which there is no clear benefit of vitamin D supplementation. To maintain the normal range, a daily intake of 2000 IU in adults is recommended during the UV-B radiation-free period. Vitamin D supplementation is also recommended for children during the same periods and conditions as for adults, but the dose varies with age. In adults, vitamin D3 supplementation at daily, weekly and monthly intervals is equally effective and safe. In severe deficiency, a loading dose is recommended, followed by maintenance supplementation. In addition to the well-known skeletal, immunological and oncological effects of VDD, more and more data support unfavorable gynecological and obstetric effects. The process of building the consensus has met the requirements of the latest Delphi criteria. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(15): 575–584.

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