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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Salvatore Parrillo
Ippolito De Amicis
Roberta Bucci
Jasmine Hattab
Domenico Robbe
, and
Augusto Carluccio


Placental abnormalities more frequently occur during pregnancy of somatic cell clones and may lead to pregnancy loss or dystocia. Adventitious placentation, or diffuse semi-placenta, is determined by the development of areas of accessory placentation between the cotyledons due to the abnormal growth of placentomes.

After a full-term pregnancy, a 3-year-old Jersey heifer was referred for dystocia which resulted in the delivery of a dead calf. The cause of dystocia was found to be foetal malposition, while the placenta was physiologically expelled after dystocia resolution.

Grossly, cotyledons appeared reduced in size and number in one placental horn, while the surface of the other horn was covered with microplacentomes. Numerous villous structures without trophoblastic coating were highlighted after histopathology. The dominant sign was an inflammatory reaction. The findings were consistent with inter-cotyledonal placentitis, which led to adventitial placentation.

Diffuse semi-placenta compensates for the inadequate development of placentomes and may occur as a congenital or acquired defect. The outcome depends on its severity: in the worst scenario, pregnancy may not proceed beyond midterm and may be complicated by hydrallantois. In the case under examination, the dimensions of the cotyledons (from 2 to 10 cm) allowed for the natural course of pregnancy.

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Andrea Bistyák
S. Kecskeméti
R. Glávits
I. Tischler
S. Nagy
G. Kardos
, and
I. Kiss

An epizootic of Pacheco’s disease is reported from a zoo bird population. The infection was introduced by wild-captured Patagonian conures ( Cyanoliseus patagonus ) despite 61 days of quarantine. The disease affected several parrot species and, interestingly, three out of seven bearded barbets ( Lybius dubius ). The mortality rate was 30.93%. Autopsy revealed abdominal hyperaemia with liver haemorrhages and, in less rapid cases, yellowish discoloration and fragility of the liver. Death was caused by the collapse of circulation. Histopathology demonstrated liver cell necrosis, disintegration of the lobular structure, and a few intranuclear inclusion bodies. Icosahedral virions were detected by electron microscopy. The virus was isolated in the allantoic cavity of embryonated chicken eggs as well as in chicken embryo fibroblast cell culture. A 281-bp-long fragment of psittacid herpesvirus DNA was detected by PCR in cell culture material and liver samples of the affected birds. To our knowledge this is the first report of Pacheco’s disease in bearded barbets as well as the first occurrence of Pacheco’s disease in Hungary.

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Viktor Molnár
Máté Jánoska
Balázs Harrach
Róbert Glávits
Nimród Pálmai
Dóra Rigó
Endre Sós
, and
Mátyás Liptovszky

This paper describes the detection of a novel herpesvirus in a Serotine bat ( Eptesicus serotinus ) in Hungary. The rescued animal showed signs of icterus and anorexia and died within a day, in spite of immediate supportive therapy. Autopsy confirmed the clinical picture by the major lesions observed in the liver. Histopathology revealed vacuolar degeneration in the hepatocytes and leukocytosis in the sinusoidal lumina. By electron microscopy, hydropic degeneration and apoptotic cells with a pycnotic nucleus were found in the liver. Bacteriological examinations gave negative results. As part of a routine screening project, detection of adeno-and herpesviruses from homogenised samples of the liver, lungs and small intestines was attempted by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The adenovirus PCR ended with negative results. The herpesvirus PCR resulted in an amplification product of specific size. The nucleotide sequence of the amplicon was determined and analysed by homology search and phylogenetic analysis. A novel herpesvirus was identified, which seemed to be most closely related to members of the genus Rhadinovirus within the subfamily Gammaherpesvirinae . The causative role of the detected rhadinovirus in the fatal condition of the Serotine bat could not be proven, but it is most likely that reactivation from a latent infection allowed the detection of the virus by PCR.

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Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Vincenzo Galofaro
Giuseppe Rapisarda
Alessandra Sfacteria
Giovanni Lanteri
, and
Fabio Marino

Beta-catenin is a protein initially identified as a submembrane component of the E-cadherin-mediated cell-to-cell adhesion system. It plays a role as a transcriptional factor in the wingless/Wnt signalling pathway. Beta-catenin has been associated with oncogenic activity in human benign and malignant pilomatrix neoplasms where the immunohistochemical profile of β-catenin expression displayed both nuclear and cytoplasmic staining in basaloid cells. In this study, an 8-year-old female Irish setter dog was examined because of the presence of skin nodules. Tissue biopsies from different nodules were obtained and histological examination suggested a diagnosis of pilomatrix carcinoma. The dog spontaneously died after 2 months and necropsy showed multiple metastases in the nasal cavity, lungs, heart, kidney, liver and colon. Routine histopathology of metastatic sites showed features consistent with the pattern of primary neoplastic nodules. Immunohistochemical detection of β-catenin was performed in both the primary tumour and the metastases. Beta-catenin expression was located in the nuclei, cytoplasm and membrane of squamoid cells and in the cytoplasm of basaloid cells, while shadow cells were completely negative. To the best of our knowledge, these data represent the first report on the immunohistochemical expression profile of β-catenin in canine pilomatrix carcinoma.

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A study was conducted to evaluate the nephrotoxic effect of ochratoxin A (OTA) in broiler chickens. Forty Ross 308 broilers (6 days old) were divided into two groups: one group received daily, by gavage, ochratoxin A at a daily dose of 50 μg/kg body weight for up to 21 days, while the control group received only diluent (sunflower oil). After 21 days, the chickens were euthanised and the kidneys removed for analysis by histopathology and immunohistochemistry to detect an anti-apoptotic marker (Bcl-2), and by transmission electron microscopy. Macroscopically the kidneys were enlarged, showing degeneration and gout deposits. Histologically, glomerulonephrosis and tubulonephrosis were common lesions in all chicks. In two of the five chicks exposed to OTA for 21 days, focal tubular cell proliferation, multiple adenoma-like structures and Bcl-2-positive epithelial cells were identified in layers of the renal papilla and in convoluted tubules. Transmission electron microscopy of the proximal convoluted tubules identified abnormal forms of mitochondria. The nephrotoxic effect of ochratoxicosis in chickens is probably due to carcinogenic changes induced in the epithelial tissues.

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Enterocolitis caused by Campylobacter jejuni represents an important socioeconomic burden worldwide. The host-specific intestinal microbiota is essential for maintaining colonization resistance (CR) against C. jejuni in conventional mice. Notably, CR is abrogated by shifts of the intestinal microbiota towards overgrowth with commensal E. coli during acute ileitis. Thus, we investigated whether oral transplantation (TX) of ileal microbiota derived from C. jejuni susceptible mice with acute ileitis overcomes CR of healthy conventional animals. Four days following ileitis microbiota TX or ileitis induction and right before C. jejuni infection, mice displayed comparable loads of main intestinal bacterial groups as shown by culture. Eight days following ileitis induction, but not ileal microbiota TX, however, C. jejuni could readily colonize the gastrointestinal tract of conventional mice and also translocate to extra-intestinal tissue sites such as mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and blood within 4 days following oral infection. Of note, C. jejuni did not further deteriorate histopathology following ileitis induction. Lack of C. jejuni colonization in TX mice was accompanied by a decrease of commensal E. coli loads in the feces 4 days following C. jejuni infection. In summary, oral ileal microbiota TX from susceptible donors is not sufficient to abrogate murine CR against C. jejuni.

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Orvosi Hetilap
Gábor Füredi
Anna Szilágyi
Zsuzsa Bencsik
, and
Áron Altorjay

A mellékvese adenomatoid tumora igen ritka, benignus, aszimptomatikus, általában véletlenül felfedezett elváltozás. A szerzők esetismertetésükben egy 32 éves férfi kórtörténetét mutatják be, akit láz és deréktáji fájdalmak miatt vizsgáltak. A kivizsgálás részét képező hasi UH-, majd az ezt követő hasi CT-vizsgálat igazolta a jobb mellékvese térfoglaló elváltozását. A betegnél adrenalectomiát végeztek, a szövettani vizsgálat a jobb mellékvese adenomatoid tumorát véleményezte. Az eset kapcsán áttekintik – az irodalmi adatok alapján – az adenomatoid tumorok előfordulási gyakoriságát, tünettanát, a diagnosztika-differenciáldiagnosztika buktatóit, a kezelési lehetőségeket és a prognózist.

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Az elasztikus rostfestés jelentősége a colorectalis carcinomák vascularis invázióinak kimutatása szempontjából

The importance of elastic staining in detecting vascular invasion in colorectal carcinoma

Magyar Onkológia
Barna Bogner
Géza Hegedűs

2006 Routine elastic staining assists detection of vascular invasion in colorectal cancer Histopathology 49 487 492 . 2

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Hypermucinosus és kehelysejtszegény, gyulladásos bélbetegséghez társult, non-conventionalis dysplasia colorectalis adenocarcinoma mellett

Hypermucinous and goblet cell-deficient, IBD-associated, non-conventional dysplasia besides colorectal adenocarcinoma

Orvosi Hetilap
Szintia Almási
Bence Baráth
Panna Szaszák
Bence Kővári
, and
Anita Sejben

-convetional dysplasia is frequently associated with low-grade tubuloglandular and mucinous adenocarcinomas in inflammatory bowel disease. Histopathology 2023; 83: 276

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Dorottya Balogh
Ede Biró
Gábor Garai
Gabriella Mohay
Dávid Semjén
, and
Attila Vástyán

Összefoglaló. Csecsemőkorban a here cysticus elváltozásai ritka entitásnak számítanak. Az angol nyelvű szakirodalom kevés hasonló esetről számol be, a 2000-es évek elejéig publikált esetek harmadában orchiectomia történt. A hisztológia a leggyakrabban teratomát, a legritkábban egyszerű cystát igazol. Mindkét elváltozás jóindulatú, egyéves kor alatt a leggyakoribb. Közleményünkkel arra szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet, hogy ezen esetek kezelése során törekedni kell a here megtartására. A Pécsi Tudományegyetem Klinikai Központ Gyermekgyógyászati Klinikájának Manuális Tanszékén és a Heim Pál Országos Gyermekgyógyászati Intézet I. Gyermek Ssebészeti és Traumatológiai Osztályán 2015 és 2018 között 4 csecsemőben észleltük a here cysticus elváltozását. A betegek kórtörténeti adatainak részletes retrospektív elemzését és a szakirodalom áttekintését végeztük. Mind a 4 alkalommal a csecsemő féléves kora előtt észleltek egyoldali, panaszokat nem okozó herezacskófél-megnagyobbodást. Az ultrahangvizsgálat 3 esetben szoliter cysticus képletet talált. 1 esetben szeptált, sűrű folyadékkal telt cysticus képletet véleményezett, számottevő hereállomány nem mutatkozott. Ennél a betegnél mágnesesrezonancia-vizsgálat is készült, mely teratoma lehetőségét vetette fel. A feltárás során mindegyik csecsemőben cysticus képletet találtunk. 3 betegnél hereszövet-megtartó műtétet (enucleatiót) végeztünk. 1 esetben az érdemben megtartható hereszövet hiánya, valamint teratoma gyanúja miatt orchiectomia történt. A kórszövettan két esetben egyszerű cystát, két esetben praepubertalis teratomát igazolt, melyek jóindulatú elváltozások. A here cysticus elváltozásai csecsemőkorban döntő többségben benignusak. Az egyszerű cysta és a praepubertalis teratoma egyaránt jóindulatú elváltozás, malignus transzformációra nem hajlamosak. A képalkotó eljárások közül az ultrahangvizsgálat elegendő lehet a kezelési terv felállításához. Mindig törekedni kell a here megtartására, a lehető legtöbb hereszövet megkímélésére. Kórszövettani vizsgálat nélkül a here eltávolítása ebben az életkorban nem javasolt. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(48): 2043–2048.

Summary. Cystic lesions of the testis are rare in infancy. Few similar case-series were published in the English literature. Orchiectomy was reported in one-third of the cases until the early 2000s. Histology mostly confirms teratomas, rarely simple cysts. Both are benign and most common under the age of one year. Our aim is to draw attention to the importance of testicular sparing surgery (enucleatio), whenever possible. At the Medical Centre of the Department of Pediatrics of the Division of Paediatric Surgery, Pécs and at the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology of the Heim Pal Children’s Hospital, Budapest, four cystic testicular lesions were treated in infancy between 2015 and 2018. We performed retrospective analysis and reviewed relevant literature. Our patients were under six months and an unilateral, painless scrotal enlargement appeared. Ultrasound described cystic lesion in the testis in three cases. In one case a septated, echogenic, liquid-filled cystic lesion was detected, with no significant amount of testicular tissue. Magnetic resonance imaging scan of this patient predicted the diagnosis of teratoma. During the surgeries, cystic lesions were found in all cases. Enucleatio was performed in three patients. Orchiectomy was carried out once due to the suspicion of teratoma and the lack of salvageable testicular tissue. Histopathology confirmed simple cysts in two babies and prepubertal teratomas in the others. Testicular cystic lesions are predominantly benign in infancy. Simple cysts and prepubertal teratomas are benign, not prone to malignant transformation. Ultrasound is reliable for preoperative planning. Testicular tissue sparing surgery must be considered and without histopathology orchiectomy should not be performed. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(48): 2043–2048.

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