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usefulness of long-acting penicillin in preventing recurrent tonsillitis. But in long-term use, it was found that treatment with penicillin resulted in hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylaxis, irritative responses, gluteal abscesses, severe local pain, and

Open access
Acta Alimentaria
M.K.J. Szentmiklóssy
E. Jaksics
A. Farkas
É. Pusztai
S. Kemény
R. Németh
, and
S. Tömösközi

of both rye and wheat ranges from 2 to 3%, and the ash content is around 2%. From the viewpoint of food safety, secalin and secalinin proteins of rye are also responsible for triggering hypersensitivity reactions such as celiac disease, non

Open access

Az elektromágneses tereknek tulajdonított idiopátiás környezeti intolerancia (IEI-EMF) jelensége a szakemberek szemszögéből

Idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI-EMF) – from the viewpoint of the specialists

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Zsuzsanna Dömötör
Ferenc Köteles
, and
Renáta Szemerszky

., & Hamnerius , Y . ( 1995 ). Study of provoked hypersensitivity reactions from a VDU . In B . Knave & Katjalainen

Open access

mucosal vitamin C concentrations are highly reduced [ 56 ]. Furthermore, when applying vitamin C to duodenal explants derived from patients suffering from coeliac disease due to a hypersensitivity reaction to wheat gliadin and similar proteins from rye and

Open access