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's integration in EFL teaching. However, it has to be mentioned that more research is needed to determine the effectiveness of ICT-mediated activities or the motivational potential attributed to them on students' actual FL learning outcomes. On the whole, more
és németül tanuló diákok nyelvtanulási attitűdje és motivációja . Iskolakultúra , 8 , 61 – 73 . Sági , M. ( 2017 ). Different students, different impacts? Effect of school characteristics on disadvantages and advantages students' learning
.04.05 Hesser , G. ( 1995 ). Faculty assessment of student learning: Outcomes attributed to service-learning and evidence of changes in faculty attitudes about experiential education . Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning , 2 ( 1
countries. Increasing emphasis has been given to VET qualifications that are based on learning outcomes. This shift (in principle) allows for more individualised learning pathways and for a wider variety of teaching methods. Crucially it also allows for the
dropout rates, universities need to take interventional steps to assure that the students remain in the system and achieve the learning outcomes required for completing a degree. As one of the first measures, tertiary educators started classroom
educational universities. A school’s quality ultimately presents itself by whether and to what degree students have learning experiences and meet learning outcomes, which allow them to build identity and feelings of self-worth and to develop discipline
curriculum or prescribed learning outcomes, so outcomes are limited in predictability. Embedded in a context, it builds holistically on the use of tools and mental activities and does not separate knowledge from skills. As a result, implicit and tacit
painful, and people may wish they never had to learn that lesson. But the triggering situation will later on be clearly remembered. Mosaicstone learning outcomes, woven into life-routines resulting
. C. , Duque , J. C. , & Suriñach , J. ( 2012 ). Learning outcomes and dropout intentions: Analytical model for Spanish universities . Educational Studies, 39 ( 3 ), 261 – 284 . doi: 10
” OR “education performance” OR “student achievement” OR “student competence” OR “student attainment” OR “student improvement” OR “student outcome” OR “student performance” OR “performance level” OR “learning outcome” OR “learning attainment” OR