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Many new journals are started in response to increasing specialization and limited space in existing journals. In this study two journals in organization research are studied,Administrative Science Quarterly as the first mover in the field andOrganization Studies as the challenger. It is shown that the new journal gradually differ from the old in terms of the national origin of its authors as well as the documents cited. It is concluded that the scientific journal market may not mirror the copy-cat behaviour found among newspapers or companies in other markets.

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This study analysed how leadership and organizational support (LOS) influences creative knowledge environments for research groups in biotechnology. A questionnaire distributed to 90 (97% responding) university and business company researchers resulted in that leadership was rated higher than organizational support. First, leaders were more important to creativity than organizational support. Secondly, LOS differed to a limited extent between members and leaders, universities and business companies and excellent and less excellent groups. Thirdly, working freedom was rated higher in universities than in business companies. Fourthly, group members perceived they were more encouraged to think freely in comparison to their group leaders. Finally, innovation goals were more pronounced in excellent than less excellent groups.

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Today, with the full benefit of hindsight, it would be redundant to write about the inevitability of the Stalinization of Hungary in the post World War II period. But to those who lived through this tumultuous time, it was a period replete with contradiction and uncertainty, when even the most astute political thinkers, such as István Bibó, were unable to predict what was to come. This work will explore Hungary's postwar period through the looking glass of the history and memory of NÉKOSZ, the National Organization of People's Colleges, a short-lived youth movement in postwar Hungary that fell victim to political purges but remains alive today in the memories of many of its participants.

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The ultrastructure, neuroanatomy and central projection patterns, including the intercellular connections of the statocyst hair cells of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, were studied, applying different intra- and extracellular cellular staining techniques combined with correlative light- and electron microscopy. Based on the ultrastructure different hair cells could be distinguished according to their vesicle and granule content, meanwhile the general organization of the sensory neurons was rather uniform, showing clearly separated perinuclear and “vesicular” cytoplasmic regions. Following intra- and extracellular labeling with fluorescence dyes or HRP a typical, local arborization of the hair cells was demonstrated in the cerebral ganglion neuropil, indicating a limited input-output system connected to the process of gravireception. Correlative light- and electron microscopy of HRP-labeled hair cells revealed both axo-somatic and axo-axonic output contacts of hair cell varicosities, and input on sensory axons located far from the terminal arborizations. Our findings suggest (i) a versatile ultrastructural background of hair cells corresponding possibly to processing different gravireceptive information, and (ii) the synaptic (or non-synaptic) influence of gravireception at different anatomical (terminal, axonal and cell body) levels when processed centrally. The results may also serve as a functional morphological background for previously obtained physiological and behavioral observations.

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Studies of strafication in science have increasingly accepted the idea that science is a highly stratified and elitist system with skewed distributions of productivity and rewards. Attempts to explain the higher productivity of higher status scientists by pointing to their greater ease of publication as far as acceptance of their work by journals and publishers is concerned were not supported by the data in some recent studies. If status in general does not confer greater ease of publication the present paper argues that position within a research organization does confer greater ease of author — or co-authorship — and this is the major explanatory variable accounting for productivity differences within research laboratories as far as quantity of articles (and books) is concerned. upward moves in a laboratory's formal or informal position hierarchy are associated with a change of a scientist's research involvement from goal executing to goal setting functions as well as with an increasing access to scientific manpower and project money. Goal setting tasks provide for a significant reduction of time-expenditures in research necessary to assure that the scientist is identified with the research results; consequently, they allow for an involvement in more research tasks than originally. Equivalently, resources in scientific manpower and project money act as a multiplying element as far as quantity of output is concerned.

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The difference between individual social capital and organizational (or corporate) social capital has been an important topic of research in sociology during the past decade. The existence of this difference between two forms of social capital evokes an old question in a new manner: what matters most in explaining individual actors' performance? Is it personal social or collective resources provided by the organization to which the individuals belong and in which they work? In this paper we provide a preliminary answer to this question based on a multi-level network study of the top 'elites' in French cancer research during 1996-1998. By multi-level we mean that we reconstituted both the inter-organizational networks of exchange between most French laboratories carrying out cancer research in 1999; simultaneously, we reconstituted key social networks of the top individual elites in cancer research in France during that same year. Given our 'linked design' (i.e., knowing to which laboratory each researcher belongs), we were able to disentangle the effects of structural properties of the laboratory from the effects of characteristics of the individual researcher (including structural ones) on the latter's performance. Performance was measured by a score based on the impact factor of the journal in which each researcher published. Our results show that organizational social capital matters more, and more consistently, than individual relational capital in explaining variations in performance by French top cancer researchers.

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Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) officially included gaming disorder (GD) as a disorder due to addictive behavior in the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in May 2019 ( WHO, 2019 ). The

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In order to prevent the formation of a gap between the quality and quantity in Iranian scientific publications, this study makes an effort to analyze Iranian scientific publications indexed on the ISI Web of Science database using quantitative and qualitative scientometrics criteria over a ten year period. As a first step, all Iranian institutes were divided into three categories; universities, research institutes and other organizations. Then they were compared according to quantitative and qualitative criteria. Second, the correlation between the quality and quantity of the publications was measured. The research findings indicated that, according to qualitative criteria (citation, citation impact and percentage of cited documents) there are no meaningful differences among the three groups, while regarding quantitative criterion(number of papers), universities rank higher than the other two groups. The results also indicated that there is a positive and meaningful correlation among qualitative and quantitative criteria in the scholarly scientific publications conducted by Iranian organizations. In other words, in Iranian organizations the quality of publications increases as their quantity increases. The comparison of magnitude of correlation between these two criteria in the three categories reveals the fact that the correlation between number of papers and citations criterion in research institutes is stronger than the other two groups.

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Public Sector Size . COCOPS Working Paper 4 . Arellano-Gault , D. ( 2010 ): Economic-NPM and the Need to Bring Justice and Equity Back to the Debate on Public Organizations . Administration

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2006-ban jelent meg az Európai Rákkutatási és Kezelési Szervezet korábbi megállapításokat korszerűsítő ajánlása, amelyben a rákos betegekben kialakuló anémia kezelésére adott vértranszfúziót, illetve az ezt követő erythropoetin-kezeléseket értékelik. Az ajánlásban a vértranszfúziót a 9 g% hemoglobinszintre csökkenő anémia esetén javasolják. Eddig a kemoterápia következtében kialakult anémia vértranszfúziós kezelésére egyértelműen meghatározott hemoglobin-határértékszint Magyarországon nem szerepelt. Cél: A szerzők az osztályukon 2005-ben kezelt petefészekrákos betegeknek adott vértranszfúziók gyakoriságát vizsgálták. Nemzetközi, illetve hazai egyértelmű ajánlás hiányában a vizsgálati időszakban a vértranszfúziókat – a beteg klinikai állapotát is figyelembe véve – a 10 g%-ot elérő anémia esetén alkalmazták. Anyag és módszer: Az Országos Onkológiai Intézet Nőgyógyászati Osztályán 190 hám eredetű, petefészekrákos betegben történt kemoterápia. Ha a hemoglobinszint 10 g% alá csökkent, választott vörösvértest-transzfúziót végeztek, majd a betegek többségében (51/64 = 79,6%), erythropoetin-kezelés történt. Eredmény: A 190 közül 64 betegnél (64/190 = 34%) történt vérátömlesztés a kemoterápia kapcsán kialakult anémia miatt, s az utóbbiaknak csaknem felében (34/64 = 53%) 1-nél több alkalommal végeztek vértranszfúziót. A betegek 86%-ában a vértranszfúzióra G2-súlyosságú anémia miatt került sor. Az ismételten szükséges vértranszfúziókat a leggyakrabban a carboplatin-gemcitabin- (16/16) kezelések után alkalmazták. Következtetés: A petefészekrákokban adott kemoterápiák a betegek harmadában okoznak 10 g%-nál súlyosabb fokú anémiát. A vérszegénység kezelésében a vértranszfúzión kívül gondolni kell az erythropoetin-készítmények alkalmazására.

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