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Sumethkul, V., Tankee, P., Chalermsanyakorn, P., et al.: Long-term outcome of very early cyclosporine minimization and de novo everolimus therapy in kidney transplant recipients: a pharmacokinetic guided approach. Transplant. Proc., 2010, 42 , 4040

Open access
Interventional Medicine and Applied Science
Balázs Nemes
D. Görög
I. Fehérvári
T. Mándli
E. Sárváry
L. Kóbori
A. Doros
, and
J. Fazakas

. Kim K. Kim 2004 Umbilical portion of recipient's left portal vein: a useful vascular conduit in dual living donor liver transplantation for the thrombosed portal

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Kettős vese átültetés – egy lehetőség a transzplantációk számának növelésére

Double kidney transplantation – a method to increase the donor pool

Magyar Sebészet
Zsolt Csapó
Bence Forgács
Barry D. Kahan
, and
Hemangshu Podder

Salvatierra D Dafoe E Alfrey 1999 Excellent outcome in recipients of dual kidney transplants: A report of the first 50

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Interventional Medicine and Applied Science
Enikő Sárváry
Zs. Gerlei
E. Dinya
E. Tóth
M. Varga
R. Chmel
M. Molnar
A. Remport
B. Nemes
L. Kobori
D. Görög
J. Fazakas
I. Gaal
J. Járay
F. Perner
, and
R. Langer

.S.F. Lok I.K.P. Cheng 1991 Hepatitis C in renal transplant recipients Transplantation 52 810

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8 Sato, J. - Shiga, H. - Kobayashi, T. (2011): “Emerging Donors” from a Recipient Perspective: An Institutional Analysis of Foreign Aid in Cambodia. World Development 39(12): 2091

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The present study investigates the role of leukocyte transfer in the induction of kidney damage from mice that have undergone a severe renal ischemia-reperfusion insult into the intact recipient mice. First, Balb/c (inbred) mice were subjected to either sham operation (Sham donors) or bilateral renal IR injury (60 min ischemia-3 h reperfusion, IR donors). Leukocytes were isolated from blood and were transferred to two recipient groups: intact recipient mice received leukocytes from Sham donor group (Sham recipient) or from IR donor group (IR recipient). After 24 h, recipient mice were anesthetized for sample collections. Renal malondialdehyde increased and total glutathione concentration and superoxide dismutase activity decreased significantly in the IR recipient group compared to the Sham recipient group. BUN and plasma creatinine were significantly different between donor groups, but these parameters were not significantly different in the two recipient groups. In the IR donor group, there have been extensive changes in renal tissues comparing to Sham including severe destruction of the tubules, necrosis and tubular obstruction plus tubular flattening. IR recipient kidneys showed significant differences from their corresponding Sham group, demonstrating some degrees of injury including loss of brush borders from proximal tubules, cellular vacuolation and flattening of the tubules. However, less tissue damage was seen in this group comparing to IR donor kidneys. These findings showed that leucocytes transferred from post-ischemic mice induced oxidative stress and consequent damage to native kidneys, suggesting a role of leucocytes in the oxidative processes of reperfusion injury.

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Orvosi Hetilap
Balázs Nemes
Roland Fedor
Zsolt Kanyári
Lajos †Lőcsey
Ferenc Juhász
Dávid Ágoston Kovács
Gergely Zádori
Ferenc Győry
Réka P. Szabó
Lajos Zsom
Tamás Szabó
Lóránt Illésy
Marcell Szabó-Pap
Zsolt Kincses
László Szabó
László Damjanovich
József Balla
, and
László Asztalos

transplant recipients. Transplant. Proc., 2015, 47 (2), 359–362. 25 Neri, F., Tsivian, M., Coccolini, F., et al.: Urological complications after kidney transplantation

Restricted access

recipients. JAMA, 1993, 270 (11), 1339–1343. 2 Schnuelle, P., Lorenz, D., Trede, M., et al.: Impact of renal cadaveric transplantation on survival in end-stage renal failure: Evidence for

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Veseátültetés utáni sebészeti szövődmények előfordulása a Clavien-beosztás szerint, különös tekintettel a húgyvezeték-anastomosis típusára

Surgical complications after kidney transplantation based on the Clavien classification, especially with regard to the types of ureteral anastomoses

Orvosi Hetilap
Lóránt Illésy
Roland Fedor
Dávid Ágoston Kovács
Zsolt Kanyári
Gergely Zádori
Gergő József Szőllősi
Márton Kovács
Tibor Flaskó
Judit Tóth
Richárd Veisz
Ivett Belán
, and
Balázs Nemes

. Interventions for BK virus infection in kidney transplant recipients. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019; 5: CD013344. 14 Mathis AS, Davé N, Shah NK, et al

Open access
Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Máthé
László Kóbori
Dénes Görög
Imre Fehérvári
Balázs Nemes
Zsuzsa Gerlei
Attila Doros
Andrea Németh
Tamás Mándli
János Fazakas
, and
Jenő Járay

Shah, S. A., Grant, D. R., McGilvray, I. D. és mtsai: Biliary strictures in 130 consecutive right lobe living donor liver transplant recipients: results of a Western center. Am. J. Transplant., 2007, 7 , 161

Open access