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. J.H. Crook 1970 Social organization and the environment: Aspects of contemporary social ethology Animal Behaviour 18 197 209

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-government systems on society: social, economical, political, legal, and environmental aspects; E-government system evaluation: social, technological, political, and organizational aspects; E-society readiness: technological, social, organizational, political

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Luka Kronegger
Franc Mali
Anuška Ferligoj
, and
Patrick Doreian

particular, the notion of the small-world structure, may need to be qualified to take into account some of the social organization of science. The collaboration of scientists in closed groups can be influenced by additional features including interest in

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Archaeologiai Értesítő
László Domboróczki
Anna Budek
László Daróczi-Szabó
Małgorzata Kaczanowska
Tomasz Kalicki
Edyta Kłusakiewicz
Janusz K. Kozłowski
Angela Kreuz
Péter Pomázi
Michał Wasilewski
, and
Zsuzsanna K. Zoffmann

romer , B ernd – B ánffy , E szter – A lt , K urt W . 2015 Tracing the Genetic Origin of Europe’s First Farmers Reveals Insights into their Social Organization . Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282(1805), 20150339.

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demands of lower secondary education and to what extent segregation or comprehensiveness are fostered. Marhuenda highlights the importance of social organization in the learning economy, where the claim for flexibility in VET is not just to respond to

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promoting the situation of Roma women in several European countries. These are Croatia, Poland, Norway, Great Britain, Germany, and Hungary. Although the history, geographical location and social organization of the countries presented are very different

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ergonomic perspective. Ergonomics, the study of people in their working environment, is concerned with the “physical, cognitive, social, organizational, environmental, and other relevant factors of human work and the promotion of conditions that are

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, which is a behavioral space system formed when residents use urban facilities and participates in social organizations. Fig. 2. Flow of daily activity pattern and behavior space

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. ( 2001 , 2005 ) presented above. Since this data comprises societies spanning a range of environments, subsistence methods, and social organizations, the results represent a valuable test of the relative importance of evoked culture and transmitted

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the social organization of the privileged ethnic groups. The Jassics and Cumans, who owed allegiance directly to the king and served him or paid taxes to him, lived in military-like communities. Part of their privileged status guaranteed under public

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