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. C. , & Kessel , D. E. ( 2008 ). Religiousness and infidelity: Attendance, but not faith and prayer, predict marital fidelity . Journal of Marriage and Family , 70 , 407 – 418 . Baron-Cohen , S. ( 1995 ). Theory of mind and face

Open access

Oldershaw, A., Hambrook, D., Tchanturia, K., et al.: Emotional theory of mind and emotional awareness in recovered anorexia nervosa patients. Psychosom. Med., 2010, 72 , 73–79. Tchanturia K

Open access

. Meltzoff , A. N. ( 2002 ): Imitation as a mechanism of social cognition: Origins of empathy, theory of mind, and the representation of action . In: Goshwami , U. (ed.), Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development . Oxford , Blackwell , 6 – 25

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. , Barchfeld , P. ( 2002 ): Executive control and higher-order theory of mind in children at risk of ADHD . Infant and Child Development , 11 , 141158 –. 30. Rózsa Sándor

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Evolúciós pszichológia újratöltve: Magyarázatok, cáfolatok, Perspektívák

Re-Loading evolutionary psychology: Explanations, contradictions, perspectives

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Tamás Bereczkei

. Paal T. & Bereczkei T. ( 2007 ). Adult theory of mind, cooperation, Machiavellianism: The effect of mindreading on social relations . Personality and Individual Differences 43 ( 3 ), 541 – 551

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. R. J. Richards 1987 Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Theories of Mind and Behavior University of Chicago Press Chicago

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1631 Posner, M. I. and Rothbart, M. K. (1994): Constructing neuronal theories of mind. In C. Koch and J. L. Davis (eds): Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain . Cambridge, MA: Bradford

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Művészi reklámok dimenzióinak és hatásosságának vizsgálata

Investigating the dimensions and effect of artistic advertisements

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Katalin Balázs
Mária Barkó

). Budapest : Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó . McAlister , A. R , & Cornwell , T. B. ( 2009 ). Preschool children’s persuasion knowledge: The contribution of Theory of Mind . Journal of Public

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Az affektív tényezők szerepe a végrehajtó funkcióban: A „meleg” végrehajtó funkció

The role of affective factors in executive function: The hot executive function

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Gabriella Józsa
Krisztián Józsa

. Schneider , W. , Lockl , K. , & Fernandez , O. ( 2005 ). Interrelationships among theory of mind, executive control, language development, and working memory in young children: A longitudinal analysis . In W. Schneider , R. Schumann

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Psychology and Psychiatry, 37(1) , 51 – 87 . 37. Perner , J. , Kain , W. , Barchfeld , P. ( 2002 ): Executive control and higher-order theory of mind in children at risk of ADHD . Infant

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