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Introduction Climate change has a long time frame and a global scale. It transgresses natural systems as well as societal sectors, and has potentially far-reaching effects on nature and society (IPCC 2001a , b , c , 2007a

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Transgressions. Research models in translation studies II. Historical and ideological issues . Manchester : St. Jerome . 9 – 25 . Volk , M. , Graën , J. & Callegaro , E. 2014

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Sizing up Helen

Nonviolent physical risk-taking enhances the envisioned bodily formidability of women

Journal of Evolutionary Psychology
Daniel Fessler
C. Holbrook
L. Tiokhin
, and
J. Snyder

evolutionary perspective on anger and men’s violent responses to transgression. In: M. Potegal, G. Stemmler and C. D. Spielberger (eds): Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes . New York: Springer, pp

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's transgressions Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 24 2 207 213 . M. Eissa

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Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the marly transgression of Weißenbachalm Lower Gosau-Subgroup (Upper Turonian-Lower Santonian Grabenbach-Formation, Northern Calcareous Alps, Styria) Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt

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the middle/late Anisian boundary (Middle Triassic) and the transgression of the Prezzo Limestone in eastern Lombardy-Giudicarie (Italy). — Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 101 , pp. 61 – 84 . Mundil

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of transgressions prior to the ceremony is another significant feature, another form of purification for the spiritual encounter. These ceremonies are usually held at night, a factor potentiating the visionary experiences. Doce proposes that

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socio-cultural effects on life history strategies and cognitive abilities . Intelligence , 47 , 63 – 71 . Cannon , P. R. , Schnall , S. , & White , M. ( 2010 ). Transgressions and Expressions

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Olenekian ( Szulc 1999 , 2000 ), and the westernmost communication to the Tethys was effective during the Anisian ( Feist-Burkhardt et al. 2008a ; Götz and Gast 2010 ). Major transgressive phases are recognized by phytoplankton peaks ( Götz and Feist

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practices, so that ayahuasca consumers can be aware of any diversions that could potentially foster sexual transgressions. In this way, the Guidelines aim to inform individuals in advance of their potential experiences in ayahuasca’s Amazonian cultural

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