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10 49 52 Medhi, B. N., Hazarika, M. H., Chowdhary, R. K. (1980): Genetic variability and heritability for seed yield components in green gram. Trop
Fifteen onion genotypes (one standard check and 14 exotic cultivars) were evaluated in RCBD with 3 replications at Melkassa Research Center during the 1999/2000 growing season (Aug.–Feb.). The objective of the study was to understand the association of characters with seed yield. The genotypic correlation coefficients were greater in magnitude than the phenotypic ones. Seed yield/plant had a high, significant correlation with number of flower stalks/plant, number of seeds and flowers/umbel and umbel size. Bolting and flowering period had a significant negative correlation with seed yield/plant. From the path analysis results, the number of flower stalks/plant, bolting period, thousand seed weight, flower stalk diameter and umbel size had a high direct positive effect on seed yield/plant. Since the direct and indirect effects through these components on seed yield are high and positive, selection should concentrate on these traits for high seed yield in onion cultivars. Since these components were found to affect seed yield they could be used for developing varieties for the growing onion industry in the country.
Adams, M. W. (1967): Basis of yield components compensation in crop plants with special reference to the field bean, Phaseolus vulgaris. Crop Sci. , 7 , 505
Szeged-Öthalmon mélyben sós réti csernozjom talajon 4 tenyészidőszakban (2003/2004, 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007) 4 őszi búzafajtával (GK Garaboly, GK Kalász, GK Petur, GK Holló) 2 csíraszám- (300 csíra/m2, 500 csíra/m2) és 2 vetésidő-kezelést (október közepe, november eleje) végeztünk. A terméselemzéshez szükséges minták szedését a parcellák aratása előtt, a növények teljes érésének időszakában végeztük. A növények fejlődésének grafikus ábrázolását Sváb-féle kumulatív terméselemzés segítségével értékeltük.
A terméshozam több terméskomponensből tevődik össze, amelyek együttesen határozzák meg a termés nagyságát. Az egyes ökológiai és termesztéstechnikai tényezők, mint a vetéssűrűség, vetésidő és évjárat lényegesen befolyásolja az őszi búza fejlődését, így az egyes fejlődési fázisok végtermékeit, a terméskomponenseket is. Ezért a terméselemek vizsgálatával sokszor hatékonyabban lehet következtetni az egyes termesztési tényezők hatására, illetve azok esetleges változtatására, mintha csupán a terméshozamot elemeznénk.
Megállapítható, hogy a vetőmagmennyiség csökkentése október közepi vetésnél kisebb kockázatú, mint a november eleji vetésnél. A fajták jól elkülöníthető fejlődési jellemzőkkel rendelkeznek, viszont a genotípusok vizsgált terméselemeit a termesztési és környezeti körülmények (csíraszám, vetésidő és évjárat) jelentősen módosítják.
In a long-term experiment on continuous maize set up by Béla Győrffy in 1959, changes in biotic and abiotic environmental factors were studied over time. The long-term effects and stability of the cropping systems, the year effects and the genotype × environment interactions were analysed. The original aim of the experiment was to determine whether the NPK nutrients in farmyard manure could be replaced partially or entirely by inorganic NPK fertiliser. In the present experiment the effect of farmyard manure, mineral fertiliser and the year effect on yield and yield stability were studied for four years (2005–2008). Various levels of farmyard manure and mineral fertiliser induced significant changes in the yield, harvest index, thousand-kernel mass, grain number per ear and grain protein content.
The increasing economic importance of triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.) makes this synthetic hybrid cereal an interesting object of genetic studies. Genomic regions (QTL) of morphological winter triticale traits were determined using the mapping population of 89 doubled haploids lines (DHs) developed from F1 hybrid of cv. ‘Hewo’ and cv. ‘Magnat’ accompanied with the genetic map consisting of 20 linkage groups assigned to the A (7), B (7), and R (6) genomes (total of 3539 DArT, SNP-DArT and SSR markers, length of 4997.4 cM). Five independent experiments were performed in the field and greenhouse controlled conditions. A total of 12 major QTLs located on 2B, 5A, 5R, and 6B chromosomes connected to the stem length, the plant height, the spike length, the number of the productive spikelets per spike, the number of grains per spike, and the thousand kernel weight were identified by a composite interval mapping (CIM).
The objective of this research was to evaluate the actual agronomic performance in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) and hexaploid triticale ( X Triticosecale Wittmack) based on the use of a selection index constituted by eleven traits measured at plot level. Two samples of 142 S 0 hexaploid triticale progenies and 89 S 0 bread wheat progenies were sown under rainfed conditions and a selection index was constituted using the following traits: spikes (n o plant −1 and n o plot −1 ), grain and biological yield (g plot −1 ), harvest index (%), 1000 grain weight (g), grain (n o plot −1 ), grain and biomass yield (g spike −1 ), harvest index spike −1 (%) and straw yield (g spike −1 ). A disruptive selection intensity of 7.0 % (triticale) and 11.2% (bread wheat) was applied in both directions of the frequency distributions for the selection index. The 20 S 1 triticale families (ten per group) and 20 S 1 bread wheat families (ten per group) were evaluated during 2003. Grain and biological yield (g m −2 ), spikes (n o m −2 ), 1000 grain weight (g), harvest index (%) and grain (n o m −2 ) were measured and the differential and the response to selection were estimated from the S 0 progenies and S 1 derived families, respectively. A higher number of significant differences between the higher and lower index group mean values were observed for the bread wheat germplasm. In both species and for all measured traits, the mean values corresponding to the higher group were greater than those observed in the lower one. These results confirm that using a selection index it is possible to get a harmonic yield improvement in both species.
. Physiological Determinants of Crop Growth 1982 Emam, Y., Borjian, A. R. (2000): Yield and yield components of winter wheat in
Das M. K., Taliaferro C. M. (2009): Genetic variability and interrelationships of seed yield and yield components in switchgrass. Euphytica , 167, 95–105. Taliaferro C. M. Genetic
. Dantuma, G., Thompson, R. (1983): Whole crop physiology and yield components. pp. 143-158. In: Hebblethwaite, P. D. (ed.), The Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.). A basis for improvement. Butterworth, London, U. K. The Faba