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Pollack Periodica
Anna Liová
Roman Výleta
Kamila Hlavčová
Silvia Kohnová
Tomáš Bacigál
Jana Poórová
, and
Ján Szolgay

, J. Szolgay , K. Hlavčová , and A. Loukas , “ Joint modeling of flood peaks and volumes: A copula application for the Danube River ,” J. Hydrol. Hydromechanics , vol. 64 , no. 4 , pp. 382 – 392 , 2016 . [16] A. Liová , P. Valent , K

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Scythian king Ariapithes, was born to a Greek woman from the Greek city of Istria, near the mouth of the Ister (or Danube) River on the western coast of the Black Sea. This Scyles was taught to speak and read Greek by his mother. It came to pass that, when

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-term perspectives on river floods. The Dominican Nunnery on Margaret Island (Budapest) and the Danube River . Interdisciplinaria Archaeologica Online , IV ( 1 ): 73 – 82 . 1 Preliminary report on the excavation: P. Horváth (2020) . 2 About knives: P. Horváth

Open access
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica
Gábor Cech
Diána Sándor
Kálmán Molnár
Petra Paulus
Melitta Papp
Bálint Preiszner
Zoltán Vitál
Ádám Varga
, and
Csaba Székely

, 222 – 227 . Ondračková , M. , Dávidová , M. , Přikrylová , I. and Pečínková , M. ( 2011 ): Monogenean parasites of introduced pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Centrarchidae) in the Danube River Basin . J. Helminthol. 85 , 435 – 441 . 10

Open access

outskirts of the village of Dunavecse, on the former floodplain of the Danube River. The soils are slightly saline and have a sandy-loamy texture, with increasing average particle size along the depth of the profile. The water table is shallow and saline

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Acta Chromatographica
Filip Šibul
Dejan Orčić
Sanja Berežni
Goran Anačkov
, and
Neda Mimica-Dukić

Extracts Preparation Plant material used for the analysis was collected during summer of 2015 in Vojvodina region (Serbia) – southern part of Pannonian Basin, north of the Danube river. The plant material was identified by Prof. Dr. Goran Anačkov

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regions. Strabo had already written that Aquileia was conceived as “an emporion for those tribes of the Illyrians that live near the Ister (Danube River)”. 5 Groups of merchants and businessmen from all over the Italian peninsula began to settle in the

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The investigation of ninth–eleventh century burials from Himod (NW Hungary)

Physical anthropology data in the light of artifact typology

Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Piroska Rácz
Péter Langó

in Transdanubia, the western side of Hungary defined by the right bank of the Danube River. It should suffice to refer here to the much-discussed intepretation of the cemeteries at Győr-Téglavető-dűlő, 21 or mention the studies dealing with the Vörs

Open access
Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
Beáta Tugya
Katalin Náfrádi
Sándor Gulyás
Tünde Törőcsik
Balázs Pál Sümegi
Péter Pomázi
, and
Pál Sümegi

significantly different from the current water network: the Tisza river flowed eastern than nowadays. The Danube River met the Tisza at the height of Csongrád. 15 According to the latest data 16 the Tisza valley was formed about 20,000 years ago. The Tisza

Open access

Dunamelléki eredeti népmesék. [Ismertetés] [Authentic Folktales Along the Danube River (review)] . Koszorú 2 ( 9 ): 209 – 212 . Appendix

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