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was recognised by Ferenc Pulszky when, at the Eighth Congress of Prehistory and Anthropology held in Budapest in 1876, he suggested that the triple division of the European prehistory – Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages – should be supplemented by the

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represented by the classical literary works. The “Computerised Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age” project aims to create and digitally publish (at ) a thorough computerised historical linguistic

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Középső bronzkori emlékek a velemi Szentvidről (Middle Bronze Age artifacts from Szent Vid of Velem). KEMMK 7, 69–75. Költő L. Középső bronzkori emlékek a velemi Szentvidről

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Introduction In the Europe of the third millennium, large-scale social aging and the rapid development of digital technology are phenomena whose consequences manifested in social change are inevitable ( INS 2019

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Győr-Kálvária összevont lelőhely késő vaskori embertani leleteinek biológiai antropológiai vizsgálata

Biological anthropological analysis of human remains from a Late Iron Age burial of Győr-Kálvária merged site

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Katalin Gyenesei
Krisztián Kiss
Tamás Szeniczey
Ferenc Ujvári
Krisztina Pesti
, and
Tamás Hajdu

környékének késő vaskori sírjai, temetői Table 1 . Late Iron Age graves and cemeteries of Győr and its surrounding area Sorszám Név (lelőhelynév) Térképezés alapja 1 Kálvária úti temető (Kálvária összevont lelőhely) Méry ( 1876 ) 7; Szőnyi ( 1973 ) 6–7, 1

Open access

Methodological and interpretational problems in the dating of 6–7th centuries AD on the Great Hungarian Plain•

Comments to Sándor Gulyás, Csilla Balogh, Antónia Marcsik and Pál Sümegi: Simple calibration versus Bayesian modeling of archeostatigraphically controlled 14 C ages in an early Avar age cemetery from SE Hungary: results, advantages, pitfalls

A Kr. u. 6–7. századkeltezésének módszertani és értelmezési problémái az Alföldön•

Megjegyzések Sándor Gulyás–Csilla Balogh–Antónia Marcsik–Pál Sümegi: Simple calibration versus Bayesian modeling of archeostatigraphically controlled 14 C ages in an early Avar age cemetery from SE Hungary: results, advantages, pitfalls című tanulmányához
Archaeologiai Értesítő
Zsuzsanna Siklósi
Gábor Lőrinczy

dating can be successfully applied. Combining typology with radiocarbon measurements in order to make the Avar Age chronology more precise has a considerable antecedent. 2 We agree with the authors 3 that the Early Middle Age, especially the Avar Age

Open access

4, 9–98. T. Biró, K. 2002 New data on the utilisation of Buda Hornstone in the Early Bronze Age (Új adatok a budai szarukő kora bronzkori hasznosításáról). BudRég 36, 131–145. Bóna, I. 1965

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). These previous studies on monolingual children's lexical tone development, however, have resulted in different findings with respect to children's age of acquisition of lexical tones in a given language. In addition to the studies on monolingual children

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Burials without bodies•

The symbolic burials of the Carpathian Basin and the Lower Danube region during the Late Neolithic and Copper Age

Testek nélküli temetkezések•

A Kárpát-medence és az Al-Duna vidék szimbolikus temetkezései a késő neolitikum és a rézkor idején
Archaeologiai Értesítő
Zsuzsa Hegedűs

Introduction Symbolic burials are rare, but reoccurring features of Late Neolithic and Copper Age excavations in the Carpathian Basin and the Lower Danube region. The word itself usually labels archaeological features that are “although deliberately

Open access

A szegvár-sápoldal lelőhelyen feltárt avar sírok csontvázmaradványainak antropológiai vizsgálata

Anthropological examinations of the skeletal remains excavated at the szegvár-sápoldal avar age cemetery

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Ferenc Szalai

. Lovejoy , C. Owen – Meindl , S. Richard – Pryzbeck , R. Thomas – Mensforth , P. Robert 1985 Chronological Metamorphosis of the Auricular Surface of the Ilium: A New Method for the Determination of Adult Skeletal Age at

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