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Juan Carlos Anduckia
Julián Gómez
, and
Yuri Jack Gómez

We present some features that characterise the mobility and interaction of researchers within a given S&T environment. The variable of interest is the number of research proposals submitted for funding. The model is applied to the case of Colombia and the following results are exhibited: a) a “flux matrix” that characterises the “interactions” as a function of time between researchers and COLCIENCIAS (national S&T funding agency). Some properties of the matrix are established and a “probability” for a researcher who has previously submitted a proposal to re-enter is calculated as a function of time. It is found that this probability is approximately time-independent, at least for the next 7 years after first researcher's appearance; b) patterns of interaction between researchers/institutions and COLCIENCIAS, seen through the number of presented proposals. The interaction assumes the well-known form encountered in these kinds of distributions: a small set of actors (researchers/institutions) is responsible for most of the interaction; c) a temporal pattern for mean researcher's age is established and it is found that by the end of the observed period researchers start to interact in ages that are significantly greater than those observed at the beginning.

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analysis of the obsolescence (Line 1993 ) or “durability” of knowledge (Tahai and Rigsby 1998 ). The analysis of the ageing of scientific production has been frequently addressed in bibliometric literature (Aversa 1985 ; Glänzel and Schoepflin 1995

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American Society for Information Science 29 171 – 172 . 12. Asai , I. 1981 Adjusted age distribution and its application to impact

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Yishan Wu
Yuntao Pan
Yuhua Zhang
Zheng Ma
Jingan Pang
Hong Guo
Bo Xu
, and
Zhiqing Yang

1994 (in Chinese). 6. Jin , B. H. , Li , L. , Rousseau , R. , Production and Productivity of Chinese Scientists as a Function of Their Age: The Period 1995–1999 , These Proceedings

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sciences (Moed et al. 1998 ). This ageing process has been studied. Two methods have been discussed, the diachronous and the synchronous methods. In the diachronous methods citations of published documents in a given year are counted along several years

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partly because Swedish grant-awarding authorities require such activity for funding. The gender and age at the time of the PhD were also ascertained. Table 1 Publication after completing their PhD by nurses, male

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resources for research activity. However age may negatively influence ability to produce original research ideas and hypotheses. A popular belief states that science is a young person's game: Carl F. Gauss was 18 when he developed least-squares; Charles

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modelling. In the age of electronic databases of journal publications this kind of data is widely available, but awareness of its patterns predates these. As noted already, Lotka ( 1926 ) showed that the numbers of papers per author followed a power-law or

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Carlo Caputo
Jaime Requena
, and
Domingo Vargas

) publication. In year 2002, the bylaws of the Program were changed and the criteria for entry, age limits, promotion and permanence were relaxed, given more weight to papers published in local journals than in foreign mainstream periodicals. The size of the PPI

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values assigned and previously undetected entry errors repaired where possible or removed. We then eliminated from the sample the records of all those aged younger than 20 years or older than 70 years as at December 31st, 2008. 9 We eliminated those with

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