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supplementing or amending them; the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; international agreements concluded by the EU with third countries and international organizations; general principles of EU law; decisions of the CJEU; regulations, directives and decisions

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Greywater reclamation for non-potable reuse Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 12 406 – 413 . [22

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Környezetbiztonság – jövő nemzedékek védelme – elővigyázatosság

Environmental security – protection of future generations – precaution

Scientia et Securitas
Gyula Bándi

fejlődéséről a szeretetben és az igazságban. Szent István Társulat 5 ENSZ (1982) ENSZ Közgyűlés 48. ülésszakán, 1982. október 28-án elfogadott World Charter

Open access

theories which deny the reality, even as a matter of law, of a juristic person.” Charter Granted By Queen Elizabeth, To The Governor And Company Of Merchants Of London, Trading Into The East-Indies, Dated the 31 st December, in

Full access > accessed 12 November 2018 . 11. Energy Charter Treaty ( 2018 ) < > accessed 23 November 2018

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Doctor Honoris Causa

Professor Niek Klazinga

Society and Economy
László Trautmann

1946 WHO (2008): The Tallinn Charter: Health Systems for Health and Wealth . WHO/EURO. World Bank (1993): World

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Presented: European Conference on Educational Research 2018 Proposal information According to the determinative document of health promotion, the Ottawa Charter, “ health is created and lived by people

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addition, a part of the elaboration of these norms was initiated by the Soviet Union itself. The basis of the international legal order after World War Two consists in the UN Charter, and the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation goes against Art. 2

Full access

appearing in medieval written sources, as he thought that the Hungarian authors of these charters often used Hungarian name forms even when writing about a German settlement. According to him, writers of these charters did not use Hungarian name forms

Open access