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Rasmussen, P.H., Petersen, A., Ghorbani, F. 2007. Annual variation of deoxynivalenol in Danish wheat flour 1198–2003 and estimated daily intake by the Danish population. Food Additives and Contaminants 24 :315
, was observed for 20% of the students. Jakubíková (2010) presented the daily intake of more than 2 litres by 17% of students of the Department of Nursing of the University of Prešov, Slovakia (n=116). An intake of only 0.25–0.5 litres of fluids per day
Seifert, M., Anke, M. (1999) Daily intake of cadmium in Germany in 1996 determined with the duplicate portion technique. J. Trace Microprobe Techniques 17 , 101–109. Anke M. Daily
222 Jackson, K. G., Taylor, G. R. J., Clohessy, A. M. és mtsa: The effect of the daily intake of inulin on fasting lipid, insulin and glucose concentrations in middle aged men
G. R. J. Taylor A. M. Clohessy 1999 The effect of the daily intake of inulin on fasting lipid, insulin and glucose concentrations in middle aged men and women Br. J. Nutr. 82 23 – 30 . [22]. D. Letexier F. Diraison M
addition, considering the Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs). ADI estimates the quantity of a chemical in food or drinking water consumed daily without causing significant harm, given in milligrams per kilogram of body weight [ 17 ]. The majority of synthetic
the total daily intake of calories (2000 kcal) (37/2014. Ministerial Decree, 2014); 3 : Based on 8.4 MJ/day (2000 kcal/day) diet and recommended daily fi bre intake of >25 g; 4 : Based on 8.4 MJ/day (2000 kcal/day) diet and recommended daily sodium
intake The current Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) defined by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) is 2 μg/kg body weight/day ( EFSA, 2018 ). In contrast, the Provisional Maximum Tolerable Daily Intake (PMTDI) determined by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert
[ 24 ]. The pre-harvest interval (PHI) was estimated using Equation (1) [ 12 ]. The Risk assessment via dietary intake (Risk Quotient, RQ) of the tested fungicides was evaluated by comparing the calculated national estimated daily intake (NESTI) with
risk quotient factor was also computed alongside the half-life and PHI. The risk quotient (RQ) was computed using equation (2) as given: (2) RQ = Estimated daily intake ( EDI ) Acceptable daily intake ( ADI ) X Body weight (3