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Oktatási reform hatékonyságának vizsgálata – Tantárgyak nehézségi elemzése IRT-modell segítségével programtervező informatikus hallgatók körében
The effectiveness of education reform – Applying the Rasch model to analyse computer science students' dropout
the impact of early intervention on learning outcomes of at-risk students . Research in Higher Education Journal , 26 , 1 – 12 .
consistently integrated across the curriculum. Critical thinking and active engagement are emphasized as important learning outcomes, along with basic literacy, scientific knowledge and competences and a contextualized understanding of science. Also noteworthy
)00101-4 . 10.1016/S0742-051X(02)00101-4 Kyndt , E. , Gijbels , D. , Grosemans , I. , & Donche , V. ( 2016 ). Teachers’ everyday professional development mapping informal learning activities, antecedents, and learning outcomes . Review of Educational
:// . Naliakamukhale , P. , & Hong , Z. ( 2017 ). Towards improvement of student learning outcomes: An assessment of the professional development needs of lecturers at Kenyan universities . Journal of Education
308 282 300 Table 5 shows the learning outcomes of ILBD and non-ILDB students by groups, and the values below the average for that subgroup are marked in underlined and those above average are marked in bold. All our data are significant by ANOVA in
educational systems. This change has impact on the curricula, learning outcomes, and infrastructure of schools. Moreover, it also influences the pro-environmental behavior of school staff, students, and community. Eco-school certification systems are usually
encouraging, especially for translator trainers who need to explore new ways to maximize students’ learning outcomes. One potential application of comparative judgement in translator training is, thus, to merge it thoughtfully with formative self- and/or peer
. ( 2010 ). Foreign language anxiety and student interpreters’ learning outcomes: Implications for the theory and measurement of interpretation learning anxiety . Meta , 55 ( 3 ), 589 – 601 . 10.7202/045079ar Creswell , J. W. , & Plano Clark , V. L
their own credentials; did that have any positive or negative influence on your choice? In what way? What about the promises (learning outcomes) that are given in the
the relationship between learner autonomy and motivation for learners' better learning outcomes can be predicted by promoting the two together. Autonomous learning behaviors Associating with what has