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Klinikai táplálás az intenzív osztályon: az EuroPN-vizsgálat magyarországi eredményei

Artificial nutrition in intensive care: Hungarian results of the EuroPN study

Orvosi Hetilap
Ákos Csomós
László Klicsu
István László
Ilona Bobek
Ágnes Sárkány
, and
Béla Gál

Introduction: The importance of artificial nutrition in critical illness is well known; the lack of it can cause delayed wound healing and increase in ventilator days. Objective: The objective of the previously published EuroPN study was to assess the nutritional practice across Europe amongst the participating intensive care units and examine the effect of calory and protein intake in weaning from mechanical ventilation and 90-day mortality. This manuscript will analyze the Hungarian data out of the EuroPN study. Method: We included all patients with length of stay >5 days during the screening month. Clinical and nutritional data were collected retrospectively for the first 5 days and prospectively thereafter until day 15 (or discharge/death). Patient outcome data were collected on day 15, 30 and 90. Results: There were 111 patients included from 6 Hungarian intensive care units. The analysis of cumulative calory and protein intake of these patients showed that the ESPEN target was achieved at a much higher proportion in Hungary compared to the European patients: 92% of calory target was reached (95% CI 68; 118) vs. 83% in European patients (95% CI 59; 107). The protein target showed even higher difference: patients in Hungary reached the target in 83% (95% CI 57; 121), compared to 65% in European patients (95% CI 41; 91). Discussion and conclusion: The higher cumulative calory and protein intake significantly reduced the number of ventilator days in the EuroPN study. The Hungarian patients reached this target earlier, by day 3; this was achieved by using the supplementary parenteral nutrition earlier. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(14): 531–537.

Open access
Clinical and Experimental Medical Journal
Ildikó Tombor
Borbála Paksi
Róbert Urbán
Bernadette Kun
Petra Arnold
Sándor Rózsa
Tímea Berkes
, and
Zsolt Demetrovics

.] Manuscript, 2006 . [7] Pákozdi , L. 1997 Amit tudni kell a dohányzásról A főbb addikciók (alkoholizmus, dohanyzás, drogabúzus) szerepe

Restricted access

M., Balázs M., Lázár V. et al.: Characterization of a trastuzumab resistant novel breast cancer cell line by CGH and FISH. Manuscript .

Restricted access
Daouda Diarra
Abdoulfatihi Salihou
Boubacar Traore
Dalale Laoudihi
Kamilia Chbani
Siham Salam
, and
Lahcen EL Ouzidane

revision of the manuscript. Acquisition of images: DD, SA. Interpretation of literature: DD, SA. Drafting the manuscript: DD, SA, BT. Revising the manuscript critically for important intellectual content: BT, LD, CK, SS and EL. Approval of the version of

Open access
Magyar Onkológia
József Tímár
Miklós Kásler
Alexandra Heringh
Miklós Soós
Dóra Mathiász
Anna Romány
Adrienn Józsa
László Szilák
Tamás Forrai
László Patthy
, and
Gábor Kovács

, et al. Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) C1420T and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphisms in colorectal cancer and their influence on the serum homocysteine level . Eur J Hum Genet , Manuscript number: 740-08-EWJHG (Submitted

Restricted access

Factory (Manuscript). Recommendations for the treatment of hypertension. Hungarian Hypertension Society. 7th modified edition. In: I. Kiss (Ed.): Hypertonia és Nephrologia, 2005, 9, 185

Restricted access

most important ones. He was an active member of the Editorial Board of Acta Veterinaria Hungarica for more than two decades. With the recent introduction of the electronic manuscript processing system, he stepped down, but from time to time he

Restricted access
Pierleone Lucatelli
Maurizio Del Monte
Gianluca De Rubeis
Giulia Cundari
Marco Francone
Valeria Panebianco
, and
Carlo Catalano

listed made a significant contribution to the manuscript with regards to its conception, writing and final approval. All authors read and approved the submission of the manuscript. The manuscript has not been published and is not being considered for

Open access
Ákos Bérczi
Pál Novák Kaposi
Hunor Sarkadi
Csongor Péter
Viktor Bérczi
, and
Edit Dósa

preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by Á.B., P.N.K., H.S., C.P., and E.D. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Á.B., V.B., and E.D., and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and

Open access

Történelmi jelentőségű járványok Magyarországon II.

Kolerajárvány és az 1848–49-es magyar forradalom és szabadságharc

Epidemics of historical importance in Hungary II.

Cholera epidemic and the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence in 1848/49
Orvosi Hetilap
Zoltán Ábrám
Csaba Varga

cure of cholera (manuscript). [Feljegyzések a kolera tüneteiről és a kolera gyógykúrájáról (kézirat).] Bolyai Archiva Personala. B.A.P.X. iratcsomó, 8 db. Teleki Téka Dokumentációs Könyvtár

Open access