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Formicola, C.: Dark Visibility: Lavinia in the Aeneid . Vergilius 52 (2006) 76–95. 8 Newlands, C.: Transgressive Acts: Ovid’s Treatment of the Ides of March. CPh 91 (1996) 320

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to long soaking times to increase GABA content that has been previously reported. References Bhuiyan , M. , Narimah , M. , Rahim , H.A. , Abdullah , M. & Wickneswari , R. ( 2011 ): Transgressive variants for red pericarp grain with high

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Another failure of the latent disease model? The case of compulsive sexual behavior disorder •

Commentary to the debate: “Behavioral addictions in the ICD-11”

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Nicholas C. Borgogna
Stephen L. Aita

. , Pargament , K. I. , Hook , J. N. , & Carlisle , R. D. ( 2015 ). Transgression as addiction: Religiosity and moral disapproval as predictors of perceived addiction to pornography . Archives of Sexual Behavior , 44 , 125 – 136 .

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. They are also queer in the way that the term was understood when the imagery from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was given a psychedelic reading and adopted into psychedelic culture; as countercultural, transgressive, and deviant. They are queer in

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Solidarity – An aim of education?

Reflections on a vital topic of education for sustainable development (ESD) from the perspective of a responsive pedagogy

Hungarian Educational Research Journal
Alexander Maier

Berlin, following Heila Lotz-Sisitka, states: “These relationships and structures should be scrutinised and changed as part of transformative learning processes. So-called ‘transgressive learning’ is also discussed here, which disrupts and permanently

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Sérülékeny identitás a kollektív áldozati tudat pszichológiai hatásai

Instable identity the psychological effects of collective victim consciousness

Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle
Noémi Zsuzsanna Mészáros
Eszter Vámos
, and
Zsolt Péter Szabó

historical victimization: Collective guilt for current ingroup transgressions . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 94 , 988 – 1006 . Wohl , M. J. , Branscombe , N. R

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fulfilling training duties, unsuccessful correction exam, transgression of the allowed number of correction, and repeating exams). The data show that the study reasons are more frequent than the financial ones. The suspension because of financial reason is

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The geometry of force, the combination of τύχη and ἀνάγκη, cannot become meaningful from a point within the world but needs the Platonic transgression towards the threshold of the cave, expressed in the term μεταξύ. The political equivalent of μεταξύ

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movement, transgression and the crossing of boundaries. Conclusion For contemporary literary scholarship, it seems an appropriate procedure to copy different theoretical frameworks onto each other or

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. What we can find out, however, is that the Choir President was the top official in the choir who not only supervised and evaluated the choir's performance, but also kept up order, sanctioned those who transgressed the rules and was in charge of the

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