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Személyiség, érzelmi intelligencia és élettel való elégedettség

Personality, emotional intelligence and life satisfaction

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Henriett Bányai-Nagy

. Austin , E.J. , Saklofske , D.H. , & Egan , V. ( 2005 ). Personality, well-being, and health correlates of trait emotional intelligence . Personality and Individual Differences , 38 ( 3 ), 547 − 558

Restricted access

suggests a number of potential benefits of controlled psychedelic use among this population on cognition, awareness, and well-being. A large-scale survey study found that there were no significant associations between lifetime use of classical psychedelics

Open access

Szociális problémamegoldó készségek és öngyilkossági veszélyeztetettség fogvatartottak körében

Egy hazai multicentrikus vizsgálat eredményei

Social problem-solving and suicidality in prisoners

A multicenter study in Hungary
Orvosi Hetilap
Irina Horváthné Pató
Szilvia Kresznerits
Boglárka Erdélyi-Belle
Tamás Szekeres
, and
Dóra Perczel-Forintos

Impulsiveness Scale-Brief (BIS-Brief). Psychol Assess. 2013; 25: 216–226. 44 Bech P, Gudex C, Johansen KS. The WHO (Ten) Well-Being Index: validation in

Open access

. Participants were asked to respond to an Internet survey (online platform SoSci Survey; ) taking about 30 min to complete. The survey included measures of orthorexic behaviors, well-being and distress, eating behaviors, pathological eating

Open access

A jóllét és a mentális egészség mérése: a Mentális Egészség Teszt

Measuring well-being and mental health: The Mental Health Test

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
András Vargha
Virág Zábó
Regina Török
, and
Attila Oláh

Irodalom Bech , P. , Gudex , C. , & Johansen , K.S. ( 1996 ). The WHO (Ten) well-being index: validation in diabetes . Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics , 65 ( 4 ), 183 – 190 . Beck , A.T. , Guth , D. , Steer , R. A. , & Ball , R

Open access

kinds of things we ultimately care most about with depressive states, namely functional status, quality of life, and well-being: measures that seem more salient for psychedelic interventions and which are not adequately captured by these rating scales

Open access

Ki adná a veséjét, és ki nem?

Az élő donoros vesetranszplantációt érintő hiedelmek, ismeretek és hozzáállás vizsgálata az egyéni értékrenddel összefüggésben

Who would and who would not become a living kidney donor?

Beliefs, knowledge and attitude about living kidney transplantation in relation to personal values
Orvosi Hetilap
Zita Chrisztó
Róbert Urbán
, and
Adrien Rigó

Rendszer (EPR), 2014. Azonosító: 79148. 40 Susánszky É, Konkolÿ Thege B, Stauder A, et al. Validation of the Hungarian version of WHO Well-being

Open access
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Nathan D. Sepeda
John M. Clifton
Laura Y. Doyle
Rafael Lancelotta
Roland R. Griffiths
, and
Alan K. Davis

whether 5-MeO-DMT is associated with positive outcomes on mental health and well-being. For example, akin to evidence that psilocybin improves various mental health symptoms when administered under supportive contexts ( Carhart-Harris et al., 2016

Open access
Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
Olivér Lubics
Katalin Vadai
Tímea Magyaródi
, and
Henriett Nagy

. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , 17 ( 13 ). 10.3390/ijerph17134817 Anglim , J ., Horwood , S ., Smillie , L. D ., Marrero , R. J ., & Wood , J. K . ( 2020 ). Predicting psychological and subjective well-being from

Open access

-up open response. Two or more researchers coded the responses and found common themes among the sample, including (1) increased insight and perspective shift, (2) mystical, spiritual, and religious experiences, (3) improved mental and emotional well-being

Open access